• 3 years ago
A survey conducted by Tinder showed that more than 60% of young adults hesitate to ask for and explicitly give consent while with a date or partner. So, Brut asked these young Indians how they really feel about consent.


00:00How many times will you ask me, can I kiss you? Can I do that?
00:03Will that kill the whole mood?
00:04Taking consent cannot kill the mood.
00:07It is the reason why the mood will be established in the first place, right?
00:13Consent is the only non-sexy thing that can turn a situation into something sexy.
00:21Accountability, understanding and very importantly, respect for boundaries.
00:27I'm here for you and I don't want you to feel that you can't say no to me.
00:35When it's happened to me, I did feel a bit
00:38rejected or not felt, you know, I was good enough or attractive.
00:42It's a little heartbreaking but I really respect their consent.
00:46They have in the past said some yes about something
00:49then it doesn't mean they have given you consent for, you know, a lifetime.
00:57Being drunk by no means means that there is consent.
01:01It nowhere implies that there's consent unless like verbal and non-verbal cues are involved.
01:06They are not in their senses to make right decisions.
01:09Being so goddamn drunk that you don't know state of mind to make any sort of decisions is a no.
01:19It makes for a more open environment and it makes for a less complicated situation
01:23and that's a win-win for everyone.
01:25Just respect the consent, take the consent and no means no.
