• 2 years ago
More than half of India's population is under 30 years of age. Brut spoke to some of these youngsters in Delhi to see what they thought about drinking and driving.


00:00It's all just cool.
00:02I just finished the beer.
00:04I tried.
00:06I'm going to take a cab back.
00:08Why sir?
00:10Safety bro, safety. Everything. On point.
00:12I came here by car.
00:16I plan to go back in my car.
00:18What are you doing here tonight?
00:28I'm chilling.
00:30Are you having a drink?
00:32Yes, I am.
00:34May I look at your empty glass?
00:36Almost, yes.
00:38Yes, that's my wine.
00:40Of course, I am.
00:42Oh, it's over.
00:44Have you been drinking?
00:46Did you drive?
00:48Yes, I did.
00:50And how do you plan on going back?
00:52My friend is driving.
00:54I have come here by cab and I'm planning to go back by cab.
00:56We cabbed it.
00:58I usually drive.
01:16Till the time my body allows it.
01:18And if
01:20I'm not too drunk
01:22Then only
01:24If I'm entirely sensible to drive
01:26Then only I drive. Otherwise, I crash.
01:28Do you think it's a real problem in Delhi?
01:30In the capital?
01:32I won't say it's a real problem in Delhi.
01:34But it's a real problem across India.
01:36My friend himself lost his life last week.
01:38So that's been really sad.
01:40And I had to drink to drive.
01:42That's why I always prefer taking a cab back home.
01:44Or I prefer going with someone who's not so drunk.
01:46I would not want him to drop me all the way
01:48Because he's drinking himself.
01:50Because we're drinking tonight. So cabbing it is the best.
01:52Do you know what the permissible
01:54Drinking limit is?
01:56I think it's two
01:58Drinks if I'm not drunk.
02:00If you're above two drinks
02:02You're not allowed to be on the road.
02:0460 ml is the limit, yes.
02:06Yes, you can have two drinks.
02:08But I wouldn't advise you.
02:10I'm not sure about that but I think more than 30
02:12My head's not doing for sure.
02:14Even if people know, they're so confident
02:16That they'll reach home
02:18Delhi is ours. What will the police do?
02:20Of course.
02:22No one does. I don't think so.
02:42I was going to pick her up.
02:44I was also a bit drunk.
02:46And I was driving.
02:48I was not looking at the road.
02:50My attention was at something else.
02:52And I
02:54My car went on to a certain ramp
02:56And it basically
02:58For a second
03:00The car was just shook by it.
03:02And even while I was not looking
03:04At the road for just a fraction of a second
03:06The car was just
03:10For just a fraction of a second
03:12The vibrations and the overall balance of my car
03:14Just got my attention back again.
03:16You can drink and you can drive
03:18But you know there are supposed to be some limits
03:20You're supposed to know if you'll be good enough
03:22If you're drinking responsibly
03:24And you can make it work
03:26For you, that's okay too.
03:28We're just not taking it seriously.
03:30We've had the reputation of being a country
03:32Being a city which enjoys drinking and driving
03:34If you are drinking
03:36Do not drive. If you are driving
03:38Do not drink. It's as simple as that.
03:40You are drinking and driving. You are enjoying
03:42Having your own fun. But you may never
03:44Know what the other
03:46If something might happen, you might kill someone, right?
03:48And who is responsible for that?
03:50It should not come to that for us to realise
03:52I mean the realisation should happen much earlier.
03:54I can certainly drive with two drinks
03:56I would not prescribe it.
04:08Does it scare you at all?
04:10It does.
04:12But I think
04:14I don't know what to say, man.
04:16I think it can happen to anyone.
04:18It does scare me.
04:20It is unsafe. There is no denying that, right?
04:22It is really scary.
04:24It does not make me personally that
04:28It's not like it's always safe.
04:30But it's not like it's always safe.
04:32It's not like it's always safe.
04:34It's not like it's always safe.
04:36It's not like it's always safe.
04:38But at the same time, I don't
04:40Think about it all the time.
04:42I wouldn't consciously think about it or
04:44I would definitely not alter my plans
04:46Or my life because of that.
04:48Because I know that at least I am following my rules.
04:50And being a good Samaritan.
