• last year
An Indian-American woman is facing multiple felony charges over her speech at a Bakersfield city council meeting. Here’s what happened.


00:00That was a threat, what you said at the end, and so the officers are going to escort you
00:11out and take care of that.
00:23You guys are all horrible human beings.
00:26We'll see you at your house.
00:55I'm here to speak in support of the city council introducing a ceasefire resolution,
01:00specifically the one United Liberation Front has drafted.
01:05I don't have faith that you'll do this.
01:07You guys are all horrible human beings.
01:09None of you care because you guys don't care about anything happening in Palestine or any
01:14other country where oppression occurs because you don't care about the oppression occurring
01:47in Palestine.
02:09You guys want to criminalize us with metal detectors?
02:14The increased criminalization for no need other than you don't like when people come
02:25and hold you guys accountable for introducing ceasefire resolutions because the only escalation
02:30in violence has been by you all, and so there's no need to continue.
02:33In the last five years I've attended city council meetings, there's never been metal
02:37detectors, there's never been more cops.
02:40The only reason you're doing it is because people actually don't care if you guys don't
02:46like them and they're actually resisting, so you want to criminalize them.
