Anshuka Parwani, yoga instructor to celebrities like Alia Bhatt, Deepika Padukone and Kareena Kapoor Khan, showed Brut some quick poses everyone can do in the comfort of their homes.
00:00Hi, this is Anshuka Parwani for Brute.
00:18Yoga is so accessible to every single person.
00:28So I feel like there are various excuses but
00:32it's really about making the right choices and making time for yourself.
00:37It could be as simple as just waking up 15 minutes prior, giving yourself those 10 minutes
00:42or maybe just doing Surya Namaskars and getting into 5 minutes of Pranayama and breath work.
00:46Nothing is restrictive. You can work out out of just a yoga mat.
00:51You can be at home, you can be on a bed.
00:52So right now just close your eyes and just think about
01:00your breath and just being present and then place one hand on your belly button
01:09and one palm by your heart.
01:15And I just want you to observe the way you're breathing, your inhalation to your exhalation.
01:23And then try to match your inhalation to your exhalation.
01:26So if you're inhaling for about three seconds, exhale for three seconds.
01:39And now we're going to add Kumbhaka which is breath retention to this breath.
01:43So what you're really doing is you're inhaling for three seconds. So let's do it together.
01:48Hold your breath in for one, two, three, and now exhale for one, two, and three.
01:59So it's inhale three seconds, Kumbhaka breath retention for three seconds and exhale for three seconds.
02:04You can actually start with this practice and do it about five to six times.
02:09And then you can add Kumbhaka to your exhalation.
02:12You can actually start with this practice and do it about five to
02:16five to six to seven rounds in the morning, depending on how much time you have.
02:20What this helps in is tapping into your parasympathetic nervous system,
02:24which is your rest and relax. It helps to take care of your cortisol levels,
02:30take care of all those intangible stress levels that we all have.
02:33The next I'm going to show you is a little bit of a twist.
02:36So if you're just sitting on a chair, whether you have any different kind of chair,
02:43you can just twist. If it's an armchair, you can really hold that arm and grab it to really twist
02:51a little more. This helps to take care of the mobility in the spine and then do it to the
02:57opposite side and then come back to center. So fold your leg and make sure it's over the knee
03:12and then fold forward. What this does, it's going deep into your hips and deep into your glutes.
03:19So it's stretching your glutes, your hips, your hamstring, all the way down to your toe.
03:24And this can be replicated even if you're on an airplane, if you're on a flight,
03:30if you're in the car, if you're on a desk, you can do the same thing.
03:34Hold the opposite side and then fold over. And the moment you feel that you're feeling a little more
03:40flexible, then take the leg that's on the floor a little further and you'll feel like you're
03:46getting a deeper stretch. The next one is going to be a little bit of a backstretch
03:51where you can just hold the sides of the chair and push forward.
03:58Come back, curl your back in and push forward.
04:03For those who have a yoga practice already, know that this is a variation of the cat and cow.
04:11You can also go back, curl, curl, draw on your belly button towards the back of your spine,
04:18push your chest forward. Do that two more times.
04:23And one more time.
04:27You can kneel down next to your chair. All you have to do is place your elbows on the chair
04:33and lean back. With the help of my hands, if you see, I'm adjusting myself.
04:38I'm pushing my chest down. This is a great shoulder and chest opener,
04:43especially for those who are working long distance and we are always sort of
04:47curled forward, which is really not good for the upper back because it kind of creates that
04:52curve, which is really, really not good for your posture. And another one, if you want to make it
04:58fun, you can always do some of your calf raises here. You can hold the chair and do supported
05:05squats. You can do a few leg raises. I mean, really, there are so many different things that
05:11you can do.