• last year
“I’m thick-skinned. “Sushmita Sen said as she opened up about dealing with trolls and criticism after being labelled a “gold-digger.”



00:00I don't settle for small diamonds
00:01They're all huge
00:02Everything you've taught me
00:03Today you made me go against it
00:05By apologising when it was his fault
00:07But he called me stupid
00:13I'm so amazed at the fact that
00:15You can still be called a gold digger
00:17Dekho babu
00:18You dig deeper than gold you said
00:19You still buy your diamonds
00:23Who else is gonna buy them?
00:25I don't settle for small diamonds
00:26They're all huge
00:27Lab growth or real?
00:28No no no babu
00:30In our industry
00:31We don't go with lab grown
00:32In fact there is a man who did
00:34Gift me a lab grown diamond
00:35And I was shocked
00:37But here's the thing
00:38Coming back to being called a gold digger
00:42You can call me anything you want
00:46It's a story that I will keep going back to
00:48Because it's so important to understand this
00:52Rene's school calls me
00:54She's put a pencil in someone's ear
00:56I've gone running
00:57Because that doesn't sound like my daughter
00:59She would not be this violent
01:01So turned out of course
01:02She was not aiming for the ear
01:04She was trying to hit him and it went
01:05Into my ear
01:06Yeah luckily he didn't lose his eardrum
01:07But could have
01:09And so I show up
01:11That can't be possible
01:12Rene couldn't have done this
01:13What has happened?
01:14So there's no
01:15I say one second
01:16Rene come here
01:17What happened?
01:19He pulled my skirt
01:21I said okay
01:21Did you tell the teacher?
01:22No she was busy
01:23I pulled it again
01:24I told him don't do it
01:25He pulled it again
01:26And then he called me stupid
01:28So I was trying to hit him
01:29And accidentally my mind went like that
01:31I don't care
01:32Say sorry
01:34But he was wrong
01:35He should also say sorry
01:36No no no
01:36First you say sorry
01:39So she very grudgingly said sorry to him
01:42And she
01:43She came to me and she says
01:45Everything you've taught me
01:46Today you made me go against it
01:47By apologizing
01:48When it was his fault
01:50I said yeah it was his fault
01:51Till pulling your skirt
01:53Then what provoked you to put that pencil there
01:57Was him calling you stupid
01:59Is your name stupid?
02:04Then why did you respond?
02:09But he called me stupid
02:12So I said yeah he is
02:14He has the freedom to call you anything he wants
02:17You owned it
02:18And you reacted
02:20You're wrong
02:22That was it
02:23This is my principle in life
02:25You can call me whatever you want
02:27Bullying doesn't work with me
02:29Bill Colby doesn't work with me
02:30You should know this
02:31Because I've spent
02:3330 years in public eye
02:35The one thing that doesn't
02:36You would be nice to me
02:38And you can have anything you want
02:40But you bully me
02:41You've got war
02:43I'm thick-skinned like that
02:45And that's what this definition of gold digger is to me
02:48I was having the laugh of my life
02:50Because as always
02:52I was not reacting to rubbish that was going on
02:54I put out a post
02:55Because I thought it was funny
02:56And I put it out
02:58Laughed it off
02:59Forgot about it
02:59I loved it
03:00Now what I have to tell you in the same breath
03:05Is there were these people
03:07With their gold digger bits going on
03:10There were other people on news channels
03:12And I was quiet
03:14I was not saying anything
03:15But randomly one person showing up
03:17And five people showing up
03:19In different walks of life and saying
03:20Are you mad how dare you call her that
03:22How dare you
03:24They're fighting for me
03:25And I'm sitting there going
03:28I have to say this is probably
03:29One of my greatest lives earning
