• last year
Less than one-third of Americans (31%) think they’ve financially “made it” in life, according to new research.

A survey of 2,000 employed Americans split evenly by generation revealed that of those who don’t think they’re there yet, a little more than half (54%) believe that they are well on their way and will financially “make it” in their lifetime.

Interestingly, more millennials than any other generation (34%) believe they’ve already made it. However, getting older isn’t always easier: only 27% of baby boomers believe they’ve reached financial success and, of those who have not, only a third believe they someday will.

What’s holding them back? Conducted by Talker Research for BOK Financial, survey results found that Americans believe external factors will impact their financial goals: the results of the presidential election (46%), interest rate changes (45%) and the job market (42%).


