कर्नाटक : बांग्लादेश में संत चिन्मय कृष्ण दास ब्रह्मचारी की गिरफ्तारी पर आध्यात्मिक गुरु श्री श्री रविशंकर ने चिंता व्यक्त की है। उन्होंने कहा, "बांग्लादेश में अल्पसंख्यकों के साथ हो रहे अत्याचार बहुत दर्दनाक हैं। हर धर्म गुरु का ये कर्तव्य है कि वे पीड़ितों के साथ खड़े हों। मानवाधिकारों के हनन के खिलाफ खड़े हुए संत को कैद करना कहां का न्याय है। वे लोगों के अधिकारों के लिए खड़े हुए हैं, बंदूक लेकर नहीं गए, किसी को मारा नहीं...।"
#Bangladesh #ChinmayKrishnaDas #ChinmayKrishnaDasArrested #BangladeshiHindus #Dhaka #Iskcon
#Bangladesh #ChinmayKrishnaDas #ChinmayKrishnaDasArrested #BangladeshiHindus #Dhaka #Iskcon
00:00The atrocities committed against the minorities of Bangladesh are very painful.
00:07It is the duty of a Dharmaguru to stand with the victims.
00:14At this time, the human rights are being violated.
00:17Those who are standing for this,
00:19it is not fair to imprison the saint.
00:23It is not right from any point of view.
00:26Because they are standing for the rights of the people there.
00:30They did not go with a gun.
00:32They did not kill anyone.
00:34They are encouraging the victimized communities.
00:38This is the duty of every Dharmaguru.
00:41They are doing their duty.
00:43And they are running the movement in a peaceful manner.
00:46They are protesting.
00:48Everyone has the right to protest in every state.
00:52Whatever the reason may be,
00:54keep the reason separate.
00:57We should pay attention to the safety of the minorities there.
01:01And those who are standing for their rights,
01:04no problem can be solved by imprisoning them.
01:08In fact, the fire will increase.
01:10We are requesting the Bangladesh government
01:13to give security.
01:15Control the extremists who take the country back.
01:21And all the people of the country should live together.
01:26Create an environment like this.
01:29And feel the security there.
01:32Do such a thing.
01:34I request the respected Professor Yunus there.
01:38He is honoured with the Peace Prize.
01:43He has been to every corner of the world.
01:46He knows what democracy is.
01:49Give security to the minorities there.
01:53This is my request.