• l’année dernière


00:00Le vent et la pluie et le soleil,
00:02On s'amuse,
00:03Le vent et la pluie et le soleil,
00:06On s'amuse,
00:07Le vent et la pluie et le soleil.
00:30Oh, Pumpkin! I'm glad I'm tall!
00:33Yeah! Me too!
00:42The football's finished!
00:44Pity you missed it!
00:46It's not fair!
00:55One, two, keep out of trouble,
00:57Three, four, jump the puddle,
00:59One, two, keep out of trouble,
01:01Three, four, jump the puddle,
01:04Your turn, Pumpkin!
01:11Come on! It's only a little puddle!
01:23One, two, keep out of trouble,
01:25Pumpkin's too short to jump the puddle!
01:28Oh, don't be mean, Pablo!
01:31It's not my fault I'm short!
01:54Nearly there!
02:08It really is no fun being the shortest!
02:19I can smell something delicious!
02:23Giovanni never make a bad pizza!
02:26If you don't like Giovanni's pizza,
02:28Then I'll throw it away for the birds!
02:40An unidentified flying pizza!
02:52It's no use!
02:54I'm too big!
02:56You try, Pablo!
02:58Ah! It's too high!
03:01I shouldn't have eaten that fish bone!
03:04I'm too big too!
03:06Yeah! All right!
03:08Let's make a fox ladder!
03:10Yeah! Let's go!
03:17He looks even better from here!
03:26Hey! Leave some for us!
03:29Well done, Pumpkin!
03:31You're the best!
03:33You see? Being short sometimes does have its advantages!
03:37Mmm! Yummy! Pizza!
03:41I'm glad you understand that short is sometimes best!
03:45But though I'm not the biggest fox in town,
03:48I'm sure you'll agree I deserve the biggest portion!
03:54Yummy pizza!
04:10To be continued...
