Casi dos tercios de los países miembros de las Naciones Unidas, un total de 116, firmaron este martes un llamado promovido por Suiza para reclamar la protección de los trabajadores humanitarios y de los civiles en las guerras y conflictos de todo el mundo, particularmente en Gaza y Sudán.
00:00Colleagues, I am very honoured to deliver this statement on behalf of 116 delegations
00:06committed to upholding humanity and safeguarding civilian lives.
00:11And I cannot read all the countries here, but we have lists and we will certainly publish
00:16it on a website and certainly are grateful to each and every country who has co-signed.
00:23Let me begin by paying tribute to all humanitarian and UN personnel from the front line to this
00:29very building. Whether you are working for a local NGO or for a major international organisation,
00:36locally recruited or deployed as an international staff, your work and your dedication is essential
00:43to safe lives and to alleviate the suffering of millions of people around the world.
00:49You serve tirelessly and courageously under extremely challenging conditions. Today, we
00:54just heard that there are over 120 armed conflicts around the world. Humanitarian needs are on
01:00the rise, and so is violence against humanitarian and UN personnel. This is unacceptable.
01:07In 2023, more than 500 humanitarian workers were killed, injured, detained or kidnapped
01:13around the world. National staff constitute the vast majority, more than 90% of those
01:19affected. And the developments in 2024 are even more alarming. Gaza and the West Bank
01:26are the most dangerous places on earth to be an aid worker, with over 150 humanitarian
01:32personnel killed since the start of the year. Other contexts having recorded the highest
01:37number of casualties are Sudan, Ukraine, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South
01:44Sudan. These alarming trends coincide with the year where we marked the 75th anniversary
01:50of the Geneva Conventions and the 25th anniversary of the Security Council, recognising the protection
01:56of civilians as part of its agenda. These milestones must serve as a call to action.
02:02As members of the United Nations and of the international community at large, we must
02:07join our forces to ensure respect for international humanitarian law.
02:13And we heeded the call. Six months ago, the Security Council adopted Resolution 2730 on
02:19the protection of humanitarian personnel and UN and associated personnel, including national
02:24and locally recruited personnel, and their premises and assets. We reiterate our support
02:31for this resolution and call for its immediate implementation by all actors.