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Estos descubrimientos asustaron a muchas personas. Bienvenido a Watchmojo Español, hoy haremos un recuento de los hallazgos arqueológicos más espeluznantes que siguen sin explicación décadas o incluso siglos después.


00:00We have thousands of human bones scattered around the shores of this lake and that really is something which is exceptional
00:19His punishment the worst of all ancient egyptian curses to deny him happiness in the afterlife. He was never properly mummified
00:30The hungry children of Saqqara, Egypt
00:33Many ancient pieces have been discovered and several have been traced down to a specific period of time or civilization
00:39However, there are some that are still difficult to treat and none more disturbing than that of the hungry children of Saqqara
00:47This apparently simple statue, which represents two malnourished figures with large heads, has not yet been understood
00:55It comes from a time and an undetermined creator and the inspiration behind it is also a mystery
01:01There is even an unencrypted inscription on the back, which increases the uncertainty
01:07Some experts believe that it could be a representation of two prisoners who had been conquered
01:12No one has been able to understand the strange work, keeping this particular piece of history out of our understanding
01:20Number 19
01:21Biking without a head
01:23Dorset, England
01:25When the black men on the Weymouth relief road dug back into a hawthorn hedge, they uncovered a secret that was a thousand years old
01:32Decapitation was a practice of usual execution in the past and in many cultures, but that does not make it less disturbing
01:40In 2009, some archaeologists found the corpses of dozens of Vikings, all decapitated
01:46You see 50 plus skeletons, but not just skeletons, just the bodies lying strewn, thrown into a pit
01:54And the heads separate in a pile to one side, which immediately tells you they've been beheaded
01:59This is not a mass grave of people who died naturally, this is an execution
02:04It is unknown why they had such a violent fate or even when the event took place
02:10The main theory is that they were failed attempts at invasion that became a punishment
02:15Everything became even stranger when they realized that there were 54 corpses but only 51 heads, which means they took the remaining three
02:25The grave is a testimony of the extreme methods of a past era
02:29Number 18
02:31Surrey's ghost car
02:33Surrey, England
02:34Not all inexplicable findings come from a distant past, there are some from the 21st century that remain a mystery
02:41And one of them can be proof of a real ghost story
02:45In 2002, Surrey's police received the warning of an accident in the A3
02:50They went to investigate and were perplexed when they could not locate it
02:54After crossing the road, they found a creepy vision
02:58A vehicle with a dead driver inside
03:01Subsequent examinations revealed that the victim was a young man who had disappeared months earlier
03:06Although this was solved, there is no logical explanation for the non-existent accident that was initially reported
03:12While the authorities claim that it was a coincidence, others are convinced that it was paranormal activity
03:19Number 17
03:21Rujum el-Hiri, Golan Heights, Syria
03:24A temple? A burial site? Perhaps an observatory?
03:28There is no clear answer to the question of what Rujum el-Hiri, in the Golan Heights, close to the Syrian border, was used for
03:35Despite its size, some megaliths remain a complete historical mystery
03:40Hidden in Syria, the huge Rujum el-Hiri has amazed and disturbed those who observe it
03:46It consists of several large circles of stone with complex drawings and a mound in the center
03:51Rujum el-Hiri means an Arabic stone heap of the wild cat
03:55Experts say it's at least 5,000 years old and associate it with the Chalcolithic era
04:00It's made out of more than 40,000 basalt stones
04:03Although it was inspected for the first time in the 1960s, its purpose is undetermined
04:09Several hypotheses have been raised, from a place with various religious purposes
04:14to an area where the dead were deposited so that the birds could consume them before taking them
04:29The area has been looted, stripped of any other physical evidence
04:33Without that, it is difficult to know much more about the use of the structure, which makes it a potentially permanent mystery
04:40Number 16
04:43Arthur's Sit, Scotland
04:53Modern technology and dedicated archaeological teams have made it possible to better understand
04:58many discoveries made in the 20th and 21st centuries
05:02Some objects obtained before these advances are not so fortunate
05:06In 1836, a group of boys entered a cave where they found small coffins with strange figures
05:31It was clear that they had been there for some time
05:34At that time, people were disconcerted and that has not changed
05:38It is believed that they are visual reproductions of the infamous murders of Burke and Harr, committed a decade earlier
05:45Even that is debatable, since the murderers had as their main target women
05:50while the figures of the coffins represent men
05:54Another theory is that they represent people of sailors who died at sea
05:59Regardless of our advances, we are still as lost as those who found them originally
06:05Number 15
06:06The corpse of Hsinchu, Hunan, China
06:09This is the best preserved ancient body ever found
06:13The decomposition process is constant, but still unpredictable, even when it comes to people
06:20The corpse of the noble Hsinchu is one of the best examples
06:24She died in 168 BC, but her body is extraordinarily well preserved
06:30When she was exhumed, she still retained her flesh and organs, which allowed her an autopsy
06:37This is something you never even find in Egypt
06:40Tutankhamun, for example, comes out as a sort of shriveled up little desiccated corpse
06:46compared with the extraordinary preservation of this woman
06:49Her body was carefully prepared with different methods
06:53It could be thought that this would perfectly explain her state
06:56However, other bodies buried in a similar way were decomposed, which makes it a real anomaly
07:03Analysts are still doing everything possible to study her and guarantee her preservation
07:08Which means that she could be just as intact in several millennia
07:21Number 14
07:22Giygas Codex, Bohemia, Czech Republic
07:25At first glance, it doesn't look more than a huge book
07:27But in reality, this one-meter-long monster has much more meaning
07:32The Giygas Codex has a translation of the Bible, among other works, and an infamous visual representation of Satan
07:49The truth about the origins of the manuscript is, in the best of cases, dubious
07:53According to the legend, it was written by a monk condemned to death
07:57who swore to record all human knowledge in one night in exchange for his life
08:01The only problem is that in an attempt of rewriting, he revealed that only the text would require two decades of uninterrupted writing
08:08which refutes the original statements and leaves the true identity of the author
08:13as one of the best-kept secrets in history
08:26Number 13
08:27Pozo de Brazos, Berheim, France
08:30Finding any part of the body is already impressive
08:33Realizing that there are several only increases the shock
08:36In the decade of 2010, some French researchers found a grave that contained intact corpses on top of a pile of amputated arms
08:44It has been deduced that these were mainly adults and that they were thrown shortly after being extracted
08:51It has not yet been specified who exactly the victims were or what happened to them after the sudden amputation
08:57The dating of the corpses in the late Neolithic does nothing but increase the confusion
09:02since there are no other recorded cases of extirpation of members of that time
09:07The only explanation is that it was an act of ancestral war
09:11but even that is still questioned
09:13Number 12
09:14Skeletons with crickets, Athens, Greece
09:18This is no ordinary resting place
09:20Archaeologists are still working to determine who they are and why they are there
09:47But for now, experts have proposed the idea that they had tried a coup and paid the price of their failure
10:06You may not know for sure, but one thing is clear
10:09The scary place is material for nightmares for virtually everyone who sees it
10:14Number 11
10:15Damned stolen amethyst, Kanpur, India
10:22The unbridled colonialism of the past has caused many artifacts to be taken from their countries of origin
10:28Sometimes permanently
10:30There was a case in which a stolen object was supposedly defended
10:34After taking an amethyst from Kanpur, India, its new owner fell into misfortune
10:39But that was just the beginning
10:41Everyone who had the jewel suffered tragedies
10:44From taking his life to losing his voice
10:47His last owner, Edward Herron Allen, tried to throw it in the trash and still returned to him
10:52Desperate to find a solution, he kept it under lock and key until after his death
10:58Now he will be safe in a museum
11:00But some are still keeping their distance
11:02Because they believe that the alleged curse is still alive
11:14My wife was shouting at me
11:16Throw that damn jewel away, you should never have brought it with you
11:19Number 10
11:20The tomb of a marsopa, Chapelle d'Amhoy, Guernsey
11:24Unburying a tomb is already quite disconcerting
11:27But seeing something that is not a person inside is even more terrifying
11:31While studying the island of Chapelle d'Amhoy
11:33An archaeologist came across one of the strangest findings of recent times
11:38A tomb that contained the remains of a marsopa
11:41The animal was consumed in the medieval era
11:43But given the proximity of the sea
11:45It would have been much easier to get rid of his remains there
11:49Not only to bury it, but to give it a proper burial is something inaudible and disturbing
12:01It does not matter if a monk who could not enjoy his life forgot it there or hid it
12:05It is possible that the truth about the strange place of the final rest of this creature is never known
12:14Number 9
12:16The unidentified man of Sligo, Sligo, Ireland
12:20At this time it seems impossible to disappear, but some still achieve it
12:24In 2009, an unidentified man was found in Sligo, Ireland
12:29And thanks to his efforts to disguise his name and hometown
12:33He may stay forever in the anonymity
12:35He pretended to be Peter Bergman and traveled to the city
12:39Where he was seen in person and recorded by security cameras
12:59Even with all the recordings, who he is and how he happened is still an enigma
13:10He would have that each time that he left the hotel going out in and around Sligo
13:14And when he returned on each occasion, he did not appear to be carrying any bag
13:19Although he appeared on the shore, there were no signs of drowning and an assault was also ruled out
13:23In the years since then, no relative or friend has appeared
13:28And the case never left Ireland, which means it could be an unknown forever
13:33He may have had the belief that his remains would have been washed out to sea and may never have been found
13:38Number 8. Common grave. Ashkelon, Israel
13:42Some discoveries cause emotion, but others are simply scary
13:46While exploring the sewers under a Roman bath house in Ashkelon
13:51A man found what at first he thought were chicken bones
13:54As he was finding more, he came to the horrible conclusion that they were not birds but babies
14:00When he took them to an anthropologist, it was discovered that they had all been healthy
14:04And that they had less than a week before dying
14:07Although infanticide was common at that time, most were carried out by exposition
14:12Instead of being intentionally damaged
14:15This heartbreaking area serves as an unfortunate reminder
14:19That even the most vulnerable members of society could be treated cruelly
14:25Number 7. Utsi, the man of ice. Alpes de Utztal, Austria
14:38Some links of our evolution are missing
14:41And although each discovery makes it easier to fill them
14:44It does not make it less creepy to find a mummy
14:47Especially so well preserved as Utsi
14:50It is in such good condition that when they saw it for the first time
14:53It was believed that he had died recently
14:56He actually lived thousands of years ago
14:58What makes it the oldest known natural human mummy in Europe
15:03The cause of his death is highly debated
15:05Some claim that he succumbed to the elements
15:08While others insist that he bled to death
15:25Theories not only begin and end with his death
15:28The detection of foreign blood in his clothes
15:30Has revealed that he used violence to survive
15:36As technology has gotten better and better
15:39It's the gift that keeps on giving
15:41We can keep going back to this sample
15:43And it yields new mysteries and new insights
15:51Most of the year the lake's waters are frozen
15:54But during the summer months
15:56As the snow and ice slowly melt away
15:59A bizarre spectacle is revealed
16:05You imagine fish, algae and maybe garbage
16:08Not bones
16:09But since 1942 more than 300 people have been found
16:13Dead inside Lake Roopkund
16:15At first it was assumed that the Japanese forces were to blame
16:19Until an investigation discovered that the bodies were much older
16:24More questions were unburied
16:26As more remains of the water were removed
16:28Some were adapted in the year 800 AD
16:31And others came from different places
16:35Thousands of human bones scattered around the shores of this lake
16:39And that really is something which is exceptional
16:58In Egyptian theology a man couldn't enter the afterlife without his name
17:03So there's something disturbing about the fact that he was left anonymous
17:07Se han recuperado varias momias en Egipto
17:09Pero no todas han sido identificadas
17:11Si la teoría que rodea a una de ellas acaba siendo cierta
17:14Será la prueba física de un supuesto golpe de estado
17:17Denominada como Hombre Desconocido E
17:20Esta momia se ha vuelto conocida por un rasgo característico
17:23Un grito permanente
17:25Cabe suponer que quien murió lo hizo en langustia
17:28His punishment, the worst of all ancient Egyptian curses
17:32To deny him happiness in the afterlife
17:34He was never properly mummified
17:37Se ha sugerido que podría tratarse del cuerpo de Pentagon
17:40Un príncipe que conspiró para asesinar a su propio padre
17:43Y se vio obligado a quitarse la vida tras su juicio
17:46Some experts have concluded that for the screaming man to be buried in this manner
17:50Means that whoever he was must have died in disgrace
17:54Con más pruebas de ADN la respuesta pronto debería ser clara
17:58Resolviendo así uno de los misterios más antiguos de la historia
18:01Número 4. Canibalismo Neandertal. Cuevas de Goyet, Bélgica
18:05Seguimos aprendiendo más sobre algunos de nuestros primeros antepasados conocidos
18:10Por lo que cada nuevo dato es vital
18:12Aunque sea desagradable
18:14The Neanderthals lived in these very caves around 40,000 years ago
18:19Their remains were discovered in the middle of the 19th century
18:24En las cuevas de Goyet en Bélgica
18:26Los investigadores encontraron pruebas nauseabundas de la vida primitiva
18:30Hallaron varias partes de al menos 5 personas distintas pero en estado inusual
18:35Habían sido despellejadas y fileteadas
18:38Revelando claros signos de actividad caníbal
18:40Aunque el veredicto sigue siendo un objeto de debate
18:43Se localizaron restos de reno en las mismas condiciones
18:47The bones were fractured like the bones from reindeer and horses
18:50That were found at the entrance of the cave
18:52Probably to extract the marrow
18:54We found traces of cutting on these bones
18:57To disarticulate, to remove the flesh
18:59Si fueron canibalizados sería uno de los primeros casos confirmados de esta práctica
19:03Pero aunque se confirmara
19:05Aún quedaría la duda de si se hizo por desesperación
19:08O por simple deseo de carne humana
19:10Número 3. Pies humanos. Colombia Británica, Canadá
19:14We begin tonight with a mystery unfolding on a BC beach
19:18A human foot has once again been discovered
19:21Este se ha convertido en uno de los misterios más desconcertantes y grotescos de los últimos tiempos
19:26Desde el 2007, más de una docena de pies cortados han aparecido en la costa de Norteamérica
19:31Y cada uno tiene todavía un zapato, lo que incrementa el misterio
19:35There was a foot, what appeared at that point to be a foot in a sock in a running shoe
19:42It's the 13th foot found in BC since 2007
19:45Algunos han sido identificados, pero otros no
19:48La única esperanza es que las autoridades han descartado un crimen
19:52Pero eso sigue sin explicar cómo llegan tan fácilmente sin descomponerse
19:57El extraño fenómeno ha llevado incluso a la gente a dejar pies de señuelo en la playa
20:02Lo que ha generado aún más preguntas
20:04El pie más reciente que se encontró fue en el 2023
20:07Y está claro que este enigma moderno está lejos de terminar
20:16La mayoría de los cadáveres pueden entrar en el proceso de identificación poco después de ser encontrados
20:21En este caso, eso es imposible
20:23Todo empezó cuando se descubrió una momia en posición fetal en el 2001
20:27Mientras seguían trabajando en ella, los científicos empezaron a notar extrañas discrepancias
20:33Pronto se encontraron con una sorpresa
20:35Lo que creían que era una sola mujer, en realidad eran tres personas distintas combinadas entre sí
20:56Lo más inquietante es que las mujeres llevaban muertas algún tiempo antes de que los unieran
21:01Los historiadores creen que esto podría ser una señal de un ritual de momificación menos conocido
21:06Y esperamos que tengan razón
21:08Porque cualquier otra alternativa sería aún más espeluznante
21:24Hey, aún no terminamos, pero ya casi
21:26No olvides suscribirte a nuestro canal y activar la campana para recibir notificaciones de nuestros videos más recientes
21:33Seguramente te van a gustar
21:35Ahora sí, vayamos al final
21:41No hay nada más escalofriante que esto
21:43En tiempos de guerra, todo el mundo se ve afectado, incluso los más jóvenes para entender lo que está pasando
21:48En la década de 2010 se estaba excavando un antiguo yacimiento en Ecuador
21:52Lo que dio lugar a un hallazgo verdaderamente grotesco
21:56Habían encontrado los cadáveres de dos bebés que tenían los cráneos de niños mayores como cascos
22:02Las razones de esta extraña práctica siguen siendo un misterio
22:05Pero algunos creen que podría haber sido un intento de proteger sus almas post-mortem
22:10Aún así, eso sigue sin explicar de dónde o cómo consiguieron los cráneos
22:15Y si tuvieron que hacerle daño a alguien en el proceso
22:18El macabro descubrimiento es perturbador y fascinante a la vez
22:22Y demuestra lo poco que sabemos realmente sobre la vida en aquella época
22:27¿Qué descubrimiento inexplicable te parece más inquietante?
22:38Cuéntanos en los comentarios y no te pierdas estos otros videos de WatchMojo Español
22:52Subtítulos por la comunidad de Amara.org
