“Enshittification” has been named the Word of the Year for 2024 by Australia’s Macquarie Dictionary. Coined by Canadian author Cory Doctorow, the term describes the gradual decline of once-useful services and products into frustrating, subpar versions of themselves.
00:00Entitification has been named the word of the year for 2024 by Australia's Macquarie
00:05Coined by Canadian author Cory Doctorow, the term describes the gradual decline of once-useful
00:09services and products into frustrating subpar versions of themselves.
00:14From Google search being flooded with AI-generated content to streaming platforms hiking prices
00:18while offering less content with more ads.
00:24The dictionary issued a warning for this year's winner, stressing it acknowledged all forms
00:27and registers of Australian English, which occasionally includes taboo words and meanings.
00:37Both Macquarie's committee and the public agree on the choice, a rare consensus in the
00:41word of the year's history.