(Adnkronos) - “La mappatura delle aree a rischio è un passo fondamentale per ridurre l'impatto dei rischi ambientali di origine naturale o antropica. È fondamentale perché ci consente di prevedere in anticipo dove si possono verificare degli eventi che impattano la popolazione e il tessuto socio-economico in genere”. Lo ha detto Alberto Montanari, Professore di costruzioni idrauliche e idrologia, Dipartimento DICAM, Università di Bologna, intervenuto a Bologna al Dissemination Workshop del progetto RETURN (Multi-Risk Science for Resilient Communities under a Changing Climate), finanziato dal PNRR.
00:00The mapping of the risk areas is a fundamental step to reduce the impact of environmental risks of natural or anthropic origin.
00:19It is fundamental because it allows us to foresee in advance where we can verify events that impact the population and the socio-economic fabric in general.
00:30Being prepared, therefore taking into account where these events can occur, is essential to be able to notify citizens,
00:39therefore to send warning messages of these events.
00:43These warning messages, together with an appropriate formation of citizenship on the prevention of these risks,
00:50are essential to be able to mitigate the consequences that these events often cause.
00:57I emphasize that this is precisely the objective of the RETURN Foundation,
01:03that is, to provide technical indications that allow us to face the consequences, thus mitigating them, of natural events.