• last year
(Adnkronos) - Su un campione di 15.000 giovani tra gli 11 e i 24 anni, 1 su 2 non conosce le infezioni sessualmente trasmissibili e meno di 1 giovane su 2 usa il preservativo. Sono solo alcuni dei dati più importanti emersi dalla VII edizione dell’osservatorio ‘Giovani e sessualità’, la ricerca annuale di Durex in collaborazione con Skuola.net. L’analisi è stata presentata a Milano in occasione della Giornata mondiale contro l’Aids.


00:00On a sample of 15,000 young people between the ages of 11 and 24, almost 1 in 2, equal to 47.6%,
00:12cannot recognize sexually transmitted infections, known as IST.
00:17Among sexually active young people, 2 in 3 have never taken a test for IST and HIV.
00:24Less than 1 in 2, 44%, usually uses condoms, a figure that drops to 1 in 4 in the 11-13 age range.
00:33In addition, almost 5 in 10 young people do not know that it is the only contraceptive method
00:38able to protect against the contagion of such infections.
00:41It is the photograph taken by the Durex Youth and Sexuality Observatory,
00:45reached the 7th edition, the analysis carried out annually in collaboration with Scuola.net
00:51It was presented in Milan on the occasion of the World Day Against AIDS.
00:55Sexually transmitted infections are on the rise, we are talking about a percentage even above 30%,
01:05and this clearly opens up a very wide discourse on what are the behaviors and awareness
01:15behind sexually transmitted infections.
01:18For 7 years now, with the observatory, we have been analyzing the percentage of young people
01:27who regularly use condoms.
01:30Also this year, the 7th year of our observatory, we see that this percentage drops.
01:35Fundamental for young people is the support of school and family.
01:39Unfortunately, Italy is one of the few countries in the European Union that still does not see
01:44affective sexual education as a necessary tool within schools.
01:49And as far as families are concerned, families should also have an important role,
01:54but unfortunately from the data of the observatory it emerges that only a few young people
01:59really recognize the family as a reference point for everything that concerns their affectivity and sexuality.
02:08Durex's constant and active commitment to the sensitization of free, protected and aware sexuality.
02:15First of all, we launched a program called Luce Accese,
02:19which is a program that aims to shed light on this discomfort of our young people
02:26in the lack of information or points of reference regarding sexual and affective education.
02:33Finally, with the Italian Red Cross, we created a partnership
02:39in which we not only distribute educational and informative materials
02:45regarding sexuality and sexual education, but we also give free condoms.
02:55We distribute these free condoms, we have recently distributed 120,000
03:00to be able to promote behaviors that are not at risk and that are therefore protected.
