Minase Jin was an exemplary high school student who hated Hirukawa Haruki, a delinquent who led the troublemakers in school. Deciding not to get involved with the delinquents, Jin lived his life as a spectator. However, after finding out about Haruki’s secret, the two quickly get intimate.
(Source: ytv; edited by MyDramaList)
~~ Adapted from the webtoon "Our Youth" (미성년) by Hi Nun (히눈). Edit Translation
Native Title: 未成年~未熟な俺たちは不器用に進行中~
Also Known As: Miseinen: Mijukuna Oretachi wa Bukiyou ni Shinkouchuu , Our Youth
Director: Shibata Keisuke, Makino Masaru
Screenwriter: Morino Mash, Matsushita Saaya
Genres: Romance, Youth
Tags: Abusive Parent, Student Male Lead, School Setting, Delinquent Male Lead, Teenager Male Lead, LGBTQ+, Smart Male Lead, High School, Adapted From A Webtoon, Gay Male Lead
(Source: ytv; edited by MyDramaList)
~~ Adapted from the webtoon "Our Youth" (미성년) by Hi Nun (히눈). Edit Translation
Native Title: 未成年~未熟な俺たちは不器用に進行中~
Also Known As: Miseinen: Mijukuna Oretachi wa Bukiyou ni Shinkouchuu , Our Youth
Director: Shibata Keisuke, Makino Masaru
Screenwriter: Morino Mash, Matsushita Saaya
Genres: Romance, Youth
Tags: Abusive Parent, Student Male Lead, School Setting, Delinquent Male Lead, Teenager Male Lead, LGBTQ+, Smart Male Lead, High School, Adapted From A Webtoon, Gay Male Lead
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