Makayla's Voice A Letter to the World Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Makayla is a teenage girl who has spent her life grappling with a rare form of autism that rendered her essentially nonverbal until her parents, filled with unwavering belief in their daughter's potential, embarked on a transformative journey to discover the true depth of Makayla's inner world.
Short filmTranscript
00:00The most beautiful sound I ever heard is the empty way the air flows between the trees.
00:12The sound goes unnoticed by most, but to me, it sings.
00:21It creates melodies that resemble my own silence.
00:27I belong in nature, effortless noise.
00:34The wind is my muse.
00:37It inspires me to be in my own way, silent, not us.
00:46We are the sound of hidden beauty, winds of autism.