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उत्तर प्रदेश: आपराधिक प्रवृत्ति वाले वकीलों के बारे में यूपी जिला बार एसोसिएशन के अध्यक्ष अनिल गौड़ ने कहा कि उत्तर प्रदेश बार काउंसिल ने सभी बार एसोसिएशन के अध्यक्षों और महासचिवों को पत्र भेजकर उन वकीलों की जानकारी मांगी है जिनके खिलाफ मामले लंबित हैं। इसलिए मेरी जिम्मेदारी है यह जानना कि बार काउंसिल में जितने भी अधिवक्ता या जज हैं उनके खिलाफ कितने मुकदमे चल रहे हैं। बार काउंसिल लगातार प्रयास कर रही है कि इस क्षेत्र में स्वच्छ छवि के लोग आएं जिससे की अदालत के पेशे का जो सम्मान है वह बना रहे।

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00:00The Bar Council of Uttar Pradesh has sent a letter to all the Chief Ministers of the Bar Council
00:08and they want the information that the lawyers who are pending cases against them should provide their own information.
00:16Since they have directed us, it is my duty to provide information about the number of cases against the Panchikrit Advakta in our Bar.
00:28The Bar Council of India is continuously trying to get the people of Swachh Sabha to come to the Bar Council
00:33so that the respect for the profession of a lawyer is maintained.
00:38All criminal types have come to the Bar Council, they defame it and use it.
00:42Their main aim is that they are committing a crime and they have become advocates so that they get support here
00:52and they can avoid the proceedings of the crime they are committing.
00:56They want to take advantage of this under the guise of law.
01:00The purpose of the Bar Council is to separate such people.
01:05We have been sent this letter to the Chief Minister of the District Bar and all the other Bars.
01:11Apart from that, they have also written a letter to the District Justice, to the DM and to the SSP.
01:16This proceedings is going on in the entire state and in the entire country.
01:20We see it very well that this is a very noble profession, not a business.
01:26So, if you want to keep it clean, then you have to stop criminal people from coming.
01:32They have taken a very good step in that.
01:35There are about 900 COPs and about 1400 lawyers in total.
01:42Now, I know about 10-12 lawyers, there are many cases against them.
01:49Now, when this information comes, only then we will be able to give you the details.
01:52The Bar Council has given us 10 days, but the letter has come late.
01:56So, I have also kept a week's time for my colleagues, so that you can provide us with information in a week's time.
02:03Otherwise, when we give you our information and you do not tell us, we will take action against you.
