Nushrratt Bharuccha was recently spotted at the airport, turning heads with her super cool outfit. The actress opted for a comfortable and stylish ensemble, perfect for a day of travel. Her blue sweatshirt and light blue denim jeans made for a great combination, exuding a relaxed yet chic vibe.
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00:00Actress Nushrat Baruchwa was recently spotted at the airport turning heads with her super
00:06cool outfit.
00:07The actress opted for a comfortable and stylish ensemble perfect for a day of travel.
00:12Her blue sweatshirt and light blue denim jeans made for a great combination exude a relaxed
00:18yet chic vibe.
00:20Nushrat's outfit was elevated by her white shoes which added a touch of contrast to her
00:25overall look.
00:26She also carried a white side bag which was not only stylish but also practical for carrying
00:31her essentials.
00:32The actress' accessories were minimal allowing her outfit to take center stage.
00:37One of the highlights of Nushrat's look was her effortless hairstyle.
00:41She left her hair open which added to her relaxed and casual demeanor.
00:45Her makeup was also minimal and with focus on enhancing her natural features rather than
00:50making a bold statement.
00:53As Nushrat made her way through the airport, she was spotted by fans and paparazzi however
00:58she took it all in stride, smiling and waving at the cameras.
01:01The actress' confidence and poise were evident in the way she carried herself making
01:06her a true style icon.