• last year
कठुआ में हॉर्टिकल्चर निदेशक चमन लाल शर्मा ने एचएडीपी (होर्टिकल्चर एग्रीकल्चर डेवलपमेंट प्रोजेक्ट) परियोजना के तहत पुराने आम के बागों के जीर्णोद्धार का काम शुरू करवाया है। इस पहल का उद्देश्य न केवल पुराने बागों को पुनर्जीवित करना है, बल्कि आम उत्पादन को भी बढ़ावा देना है। परियोजना के तहत किसानों को 50% सब्सिडी उपलब्ध कराई जा रही है, जिससे उन्हें आर्थिक सहायता मिल सके। पुराने और कम फल देने वाले आम के पेड़ों को हटाकर उनकी जगह नई और बेहतर किस्म के आम के पौधे लगाए जा रहे हैं। इससे न केवल आम की पैदावार में सुधार होगा, बल्कि किसानों की आय में भी बढ़ोतरी होने की उम्मीद है। विभाग का मानना है कि इस परियोजना से कठुआ जिले में आम उत्पादन को नई दिशा मिलेगी और किसानों की आर्थिक स्थिति मजबूत होगी। यह कदम क्षेत्र में बागवानी क्षेत्र को विकसित करने और किसानों को अधिक लाभ पहुंचाने के लिए उठाया गया है।

#Kathua #HADP #MangoOrchards #FarmerSupport #MangoProduction #SustainableAgriculture


00:00So this is 63.
00:07You are welcome sir.
00:13Sir this is for you also.
00:22Sir this is for you also.
00:31HADP is a holistic agriculture development program.
00:36It is a flagship program by the Jammu and Kashmir government.
00:40The main objective of this program is to increase the farmer's economy
00:46and develop hearty entrepreneurship.
00:49As you can see, we have planted traditional mango trees in different gardens.
00:57Mango is a heritage tree, especially in Kathua district.
01:02I think this scheme will work well here.
01:06Farmers will benefit from the alternate bearing problem in mango trees.
01:12They will shift from traditional orchards to high density orchards at a 50% subsidy.
01:18As you can see, high density orchards are in demand.
01:23For example, in Kashmir we have apple orchards.
01:25In sub-tropical areas, we have mango orchards and lychee orchards.
01:29Therefore, these fruit trees are in high demand in the market.
01:35To compete in the market, we have to bring quality to the farmers.
01:42We have to show a good variety in the market so that they can fetch good money in the market.
01:47We have a very old orchard here. It is more than 87 years old.
01:53We have planted mango trees in a traditional way.
01:59Because of this, we were able to get fruits for a year, but not for a year.
02:05The trees were also very tall, which was a problem for the sunlight.
02:11I am very grateful to the government.
02:13They introduced an HADP scheme to us.
02:18We will do rejuvenation and plant high-density plants.
02:25Every year there is a way to get fruits.
02:31Our production will increase and the environment will be safe.
02:35We have 63 acres of land.
02:38We have about 250-300 mango trees.
02:43These trees are indigenous and very old.
02:47We have been told that we can plant 400-500 mango trees per hectare.
02:55We hope that our income will increase by 4-5 times in the coming years.
