• last year
Over a decade after surviving an unspeakable trauma, Maggie Donovan struggles to reconcile newly-sparked romantic feelin | dG1fazFPWXpYZF9KNEk
00:00Don't lower your guard. Look at his pockets. Anything that could be the outline of a weapon.
00:07Don't drink anything you've left alone with him. Move locations if the crowd thins out, and smile.
00:22Hey. I was wondering, would you want to maybe go over notes or something this weekend? Like, over coffee?
00:29One day I felt like I saw this different side of him, and I asked him out.
00:37Are you willing to admit that that girl actually likes you?
00:40Sweetie, come on. New York?
00:42I think I need to know that I can survive without you constantly standing over my shoulder.
00:46You can't do this, baby.
00:48I can.
00:52Maybe you asked this guy out because of what you've already lost.
01:00Whatever's kindling with you and this Maggie girl, it sounds like it might be the start of something good.
01:06That's high stakes, and high stakes is new for you.
01:10It's like I'm jealous of who I was.
01:14And that was?
01:18I earned that nothing, that nothing is one of the first things I've ever had that he can't take away from me.
01:25Run. You're not safe.
01:28I just need you to have, like, the slightest bit of awareness for somebody other than yourself.
01:42I knew even then that I would never be okay.
01:55I knew even then that I would never be okay.