• last year
PT Elnusa Tbk (ELSA) mencatatkan laba bersih mencapai Rp603 miliar, sepanjang Januari hingga Oktober 2024 atau tumbuh 9,43% dari posisi laba yang berakhir pada September 2024, di angka Rp551 miliar.


00:00Baru, Soyu Intense Therapeutic Stain. Intense color, lasts up to 12 hours. Buy now!
00:05Subholding Pertamina, PTL, Nusa, TBK, or Elsa,
00:09recorded a clean waste of 603 billion rupiah
00:12throughout January to October 2024,
00:14or grew by 9.43% from the final waste position in September 2024
00:20at the amount of 551 billion rupiah.
00:23Subholding Pertamina, PTL, Nusa, TBK, or Elsa,
00:26recorded a clean waste of 603 billion rupiah
00:29throughout January to October 2024,
00:31or grew by 9.43% from the final waste position in September 2024
00:36at the amount of 551 billion rupiah.
00:40The main director of El Nusa, Bakhtiar Surya Atmaja,
00:42revealed that this clean waste increase
00:44is also in line with the increase in the margin of El Nusa's waste.
00:47Bakhtiar said that until October,
00:50Bakhtiar said that until October,
00:55and now in October,
01:00He added that the margin of El Nusa's waste
01:03has also increased from year to year.
01:05Throughout 2021, El Nusa's net profit reached 1.4%,
01:09then in 2022 it was 3%,
01:12then in 2023 it was 4%.
01:16With an increase in financial energy,
01:18Bakhtiar added the target of clean waste throughout 2024
01:21to 1 trillion rupiah is not an impossible thing.
01:24Previously, Bakhtiar targeted El Nusa
01:26to be able to collect 1 trillion rupiah of clean waste by the end of the year.
01:30This was revealed after the clean waste
01:32in the first semester of 2024 reached a figure of 400 billion rupiah or more,
01:35or has been close to El Nusa's waste throughout 2023.
01:41As for income,
01:42Bakhtiar revealed that until October,
01:44El Nusa has recorded an income of 10.93 trillion rupiah,
01:47compared to the income of the energy distribution and logistics segment
01:51as well as the income of Hulumi Gas Integrated
01:53or Business Upstream, almost equal.
01:57Coverage Team, IDX Channel
