• last year
(Adnkronos) - “E’ assolutamente necessario che il Governo si impegni velocemente, a creare i presupposti formativi che riescano a sollecitare la “responsabilità educativa della famiglia”, oltre che della scuola. Sono stati già varati delle norme che vietano l’accesso ai siti pornografici, tipo “parental control”, da parte degli adulti, in quanto è stato appurato da indagini mirate, che l’accesso è sempre più frequente da parte di bambini in età molto precoce, 6 – 7 anni, per non parlare dell’alta percentuale di accessi da parte di adolescenti nella fascia compresa tra i 14 e i 18 anni”. Così Eugenia Maria Roccella – ministra per le Pari Opportunità e la famiglia al 1° Cybercrime Forum svoltosi a Palermo.


00:00Are we at a crossroads against social media or are there margins to recognize that there is also something in social media?
00:16No, it is not at all a crossroad. We know that social media are, together, an opportunity and a risk,
00:24as many things that modernity and post-modernity have proposed to us.
00:28So, what we have to and want to do is, first of all, to increase awareness,
00:34to inform, therefore, to increase awareness both of the protagonists, and therefore of the children,
00:40and of the educators, of the adults of reference, then the parents, the teachers.
00:46And, on the other hand, what we would like is that there was, in addition to a greater awareness,
00:52also a will, let's say, on the part, above all, of the family, a will and an ability to control
01:01how the new technological means are used by the children.
01:09For this reason, we, in the Caivano Decree, have omitted parental control
01:15and we want to increase the use of parental control, which was an app that was already there,
01:23but it is not used, it is used very little.
01:26What we want to do is to solicit the educational responsibility of the family,
01:31as well as of the school, through an ability to control, which is not a ban,
01:39it is simply an educational responsibility that must be solicited by everyone.
01:44I think that, before banning, first of all, we have put in place a ban,
01:51much more circumscribed than that for access to pornographic sites.
01:57Now, shortly, I think, the opinion of Europe should arrive,
02:03the whole procedure has been finalized and we will see how it works,
02:08because this is really an important issue, fundamental, and we need a ban,
02:14because pornographic sites are now very violent and very offensive towards women
02:20and we have seen that the age at which it is accessed has become very early,
02:26even 6-7 years.
02:29So, let's see if we can actually put a real stop,
02:36and as far as everything else is concerned,
02:40in the meantime, let's see how this ban works, which we have promoted
02:46and which has a complicated procedure,
02:50which now should end with the European SI in January.
02:56Let's see how this ban works.
02:59I believe that, more than banning, the best thing is to educate,
03:04and therefore to inform, to have a relationship with these boys,
03:09because they are boys who now have as a reference, above all, the group of equals,
03:13and there problems are created.
03:16We see it a lot with the forms of bullying, cyberbullying,
03:21and many other things that come out every day in the news.
03:26So, it is essential, instead, to have as adults, as an educational community,
03:32and in particular to start from the family,
03:35a responsibility of control and relationship with these boys,
03:40which cannot be avoided through an indiscriminate ban.
03:45I do not believe that an indiscriminate ban can be useful.
03:48So, also the proposal that was made by the Minister,
03:52to put an age for the use of mobile phones?
03:55Let's see, we have this first ban,
03:59which we have all shared on pornographic sites.
04:03In the meantime, let's see how it works.
04:05So, we are waiting to see.
04:06We are the first country to experience a real ban.
04:09So, we talk about Australia, but in reality,
04:11Italy was the first country to put this access barrier.
04:16Let's see how it works and then we will open a debate on everything else.
