• last year
The European Commission aims to have 3.5 million charging points by 2030.


00:00We have to have the infrastructure and it's the chicken and the egg discussion we've had
00:19it for five, ten years.
00:22Do we build out the infrastructure or do we wait for the demand to come from the cars
00:27I think the easy answer for that is just we need both.
00:30We need both in that and I think we're coming to a point where we find that equilibrium
00:41I think they're going to be critical because without charging the cars won't run.
00:46So it's going to be ease of access, ease of use, availability so charge points are needed
00:52in private and public places throughout.
01:05So we have gone a little bit from there is a charger here and there to a trend where
01:12we see there are big sites with many fast chargers, high quality chargers by the highways.
01:18Chargers build outs will continue but you will see it growing with the gas station
01:24You will see the chargers popping up there because that's a consumer behavior that we
01:30already have and we're so used to it.
01:33So that's where I see it growing more and more.
