Die traditionelle marokkanische Sängerin Touda performt in Jeder liebt Touda in verschiedenen Bars ihres kleinen Wohnorts. Da sie sich jedoch ein besseres Leben für ihren Sohn erhofft, plant sie, ihre Kleinstadt zu verlassen und in Casablanca endlich eine richtige Karriere zu starten.
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/everybody-loves-touda
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/everybody-loves-touda
00:00I'm going to take art classes.
00:04I love you.
00:06What are you doing?
00:08I'm going to do a project.
00:11I'm going to do something to change the atmosphere inside.
00:16The boys are very nice.
00:19It's their first time.
00:21I'm not a good singer.
00:24I'm going to sing.
00:36The Sheikhs' seat is the right seat.
00:38Then we can sing in the Grand Halls.
00:40We have the media in the streets too.
00:42But they don't know Arabic.
00:44I want him to learn how to read and write.
00:46To have a future.
00:48Even me.
00:52If fate wills it, I'll bring you with me.
00:57My foot slipped on the gas pedal.
00:59We're here.
01:01Life is like a fish in the sea.
01:03It's a big fish.
01:05They come to feed it.
01:21I didn't want the money.
01:23I wanted to be a good sheikh.