00:00I'm Angela, and this is my husband Auburn.
00:07And I'm Auburn, as Angela just said.
00:11Soon as we knew there was a baby coming, he made this little cottage.
00:16Ruth was the eldest one, 2002, which is the one I'm standing in now, which is Gothic style.
00:23And she loved it. She absolutely loved it when she came on holiday.
00:29We had two more grandchildren after Ruth. The next one is Tom, 2003,
00:35and his was Elizabethan built-in period with a thatched roof.
00:40Tom loved his playhouse. He told Ruth and Charlotte,
00:46you can't come in here unless you have my permission.
00:50The final one is Charlotte, which was 2005,
00:54and that is a Victorian post office on a copy of one that I'd done in my village
01:01when I was an apprentice carpenter and joined them.
01:04People often ask me, what would you do if you get great-grandchildren?
01:09And I say, well, it'd either be a church or the very old-fashioned pub with a public and saloon bar.
01:16Any great-grandchildren would just love to play in these houses.
01:21I shall, if I'm around, have to make sure it's all clean and tidy.