• last year
A propósito de la discusión en el Congreso Nacional de una reforma laboral, el dos veces presidente de la República, Danilo Medina, declaró que quitar derechos adquiridos a los trabajadores, sería retroceder.
El también presidente del Partido de la Liberación Dominicana (PLD), recordó que los trabajadores tienen derechos adquiridos y no quieren perderlos.


00:00In the 10th Congress of the party and ordered that the entire direction of the party has to remain permanently in contact with the base of the party.
00:08The Secretary General, comrade Johnny Pujol and I have decided to walk together the country.
00:15And we are here in San Cristobal, tomorrow, sorry, on Saturday we will be in San Pedro de Macorís and on Monday we are going to Monseñor Noel.
00:24And from there we are going to walk the entire province of the country, the main municipalities, and when we finish we are going to the municipalities.
00:31The PLD leaves the places and goes to the streets.
00:34President, there is a very important issue that has been discussed, which is the issue of labor reform, the issue of unemployment.
00:41What opinion does this issue deserve that really affects the integrity of the workers?
00:47Well, the workers have acquired rights and do not want to lose them.
00:51That is why this reform was not made by my government, because we could not touch the workers, unemployment and the other rights that they have consigned to the labor code.
01:02To take them away would be to go back. And that is the problem.
