• last year
An organization in Zimbawe wants to help young people find purpose and life skills through football. And do something good for the climate too!
00:00Everyone here is on the ball, and not just on the soccer pitch.
00:11The Zim Can Serve Tigers Football Club also trains its young members in environmental
00:18Zim Can Serve is a local NGO that teaches kids about issues like climate change and
00:23the importance of conservation, giving them the skills to make a difference in the world
00:28around them.
00:29Each day we meet, we start off by discussing the environmental issues, like the factors
00:36affecting the environment, the possible solution or suggestions or anything that we can do
00:45to keep those factors.
00:46Then we proceed to our sporting activities, helping them to fully understand the environment.
00:55And it's not just these kids who are benefiting.
00:58The Soccer Environment Programme runs across 20 schools in and around Harare, with topics
01:04taught ranging from recycling to the threat of extinction facing some animal species.
01:11Since the project began in 2012, more than 500 young people have taken part.
01:16They're learning practical skills, like how renewable energy through solar-powered
01:21pumps can keep gardens like this green and thriving, even in times of drought.
01:28Or how planting fruit trees can reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
01:34Plus those same trees make a great habitat for various wildlife.
01:42When we play soccer, as soon as we get to the field, we first pick up all the plastic
01:47litter on the ground.
01:51We're encouraged to collect all the waste in bins.
01:55And because we do this every day before playing soccer, I've started taking these good habits
02:00away with me to keep my environment clean everywhere.
