• last year
Genres: Crime, Thriller
is a 2023 South Korean crime thriller directed by Hong Yong-ho. The film follows Jeong-min, a rookie lawyer assigned as the public defender for Yoon-ah, who stands accused of her husband's brutal murder. As Jeong-min navigates a hostile prosecutor, a mysterious judge, and mounting suspicions, he strives to uncover the truth behind the case's conspiracies.
#HavanaMovie, #KoreanCrimeThriller, #LegalDrama, #MysteryFilm, #SouthKoreanCinema, #CourtroomDrama, #Thriller2023, #MurderMystery, #RookieLawyer, #ConspiracyThriller, #KoreanFilmIndustry, #MustWatchThriller, #DarkDrama, #PsychologicalThriller, #EdgeOfYourSeat, #SuspenseFilm, #KoreanMovieNight
