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THE RULE OF JENNY PEN Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Stefan Mortensen (Geoffrey Rush), a misanthropic judge, suffers a stroke forcing him into a retirement home, where Dave Crealy (John Lithgow), has long terrorized the other residents, but Mortensen sets himself in deadly conflict with this tyrant.

directed by James Ashcroft

starring John Lithgow, Geoffrey Rush and George Henare

release date March 20, 2025 (international release, NZ)
00:00I'm a judge in the city.
00:10What are you doing in a shit hole like this?
00:12I'll be better soon.
00:13Then I'm gone.
00:14We can both look forward to that day, then, can't we?
00:15In the meantime, why don't you try and make some friends?
00:16What are you eating?
00:18It's deeper in that lot over there.
00:19Little toys to play with, like children.
00:30Some of them think they are, too.
00:39You're out causing mischief, are you?
00:43Playing in the town, are you?
00:47What's his story?
00:48He was here when I got here.
00:50Who rules, Tony?
00:51Do you need a pen?
00:52It's share and share alike here, judge.
00:57Communism always has the greatest attraction for those with the least.
01:02I'll see you tonight.
01:04I'd like to make an official complaint.
01:07He's the menace here.
01:08He's been at me from the jump.
01:10Sometimes people get confused.
01:11I'm not confused.
01:12Have you been taking your medications?
01:14I feel sorry for you, judge.
01:24You got a raw deal.
01:26You'll get worse and worse until you can't speak or even lift a finger.
01:32That's if you can still think straight and know what kind of hell you're in.
01:35We don't stop playing because we get old.
01:48We get old because we stop playing.
01:52You think you got everyone pegged.
01:56I'm really glad we were able to spend this time together.
02:04You need to check out now.
02:06You'll get what's coming to us at the end.
02:12The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places.
02:21Where there are no lions, hyenas rule.
02:34You'll get what's coming to us at the end.
02:35The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places.
02:36Where there are no lions, hyenas rule.
02:37You'll get what's coming to us at the end.
02:38The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places.
02:39Where there are no lions, hyenas rule.
02:40You'll get what's coming to us at the end.
02:41The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places.
02:42Where there are no lions, hyenas rule.
02:43You'll get what's coming to us at the end.
02:44The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places.
02:45Where there are no lions, hyenas rule.
02:46You'll get what's coming to us at the end.
02:47The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places.
02:48Where there are no lions, hyenas rule.
02:49You'll get what's coming to us at the end.