Melissa Joan Hart's Son Had Hilarious Run-In With Travis Kelce While Dressed as Charmin Bear
00:00I know some of your boys have caught the acting bug a little bit, right?
00:02It's sort of, you know, I think it's for the wrong reasons.
00:05If they ever did say they wanted to be in something, one of them is starting to,
00:08he's like got a modeling agent.
00:10But his first gig was being the Charmin Bear at the Tide End University,
00:17Travis Kelsey and George Kittles Tide End University, which is at Vanderbilt,
00:21which is by us in Nashville.
00:22And so he got to go be the Charmin Bear.
00:24And it was the funniest thing I think I've ever seen.
00:26I have never laughed, you know, when the kids are little and they do silly things
00:29and you laugh so hard, I have never laughed so hard at my kids
00:32than my son being the Charmin Bear mascot.
00:34I love that.
00:34Like high-fiving George Kittle and Travis Kittle.
00:36Like it was, he was just in heaven.
00:39It was so funny.
00:40That is so amazing.
00:41That was his first modeling job, but he's covered up.
00:44Right, he's covered up.
00:45That's what he liked best about it.
00:46He's like, nobody knows it's me.
00:47Nobody knows it's me.
00:48I love that.
00:49That's amazing.
00:50Did you ever like set boundaries when they were younger about
00:53them getting into acting as children?
00:55No, I just don't have the patience to be taking them to auditions or,
00:58and I, you know, it's while the rejection I think builds a strong kind of,
01:03you know, thick skin.
01:05I also don't want them going through that rejection of people thinking you're not,
01:09you know, buying into the fact that, you know,
01:11people tell you you're not good enough or you don't look the right way or whatever.
01:14So I am, as much as I love, I would love for them to be in the arts.
01:19It's just not really in there.
01:20They're much more driven in areas of like biology.
01:24And my son, my oldest one wants to be an aviator.
01:26So he wants to be a pilot.
01:27He's in the aviation field, but he's actually working right now as a vet tech
01:30because he loves animals.
01:31And the middle one is looking into like sports management.
01:34So he'll actually be in the city in a few weeks,
01:36like doing some sports management classes.
01:38So, yeah.
01:38And then the little one who knows he's,
01:41I always say he's either going to be a lawyer or criminal.
01:43I'm not really not sure which one.
01:45He's crazy.
01:46But you know what?
01:4612 years old with that prepubescent attitude and that witty mouth, man.
01:51Like, I don't know.
01:52He's your challenge.
01:53He can negotiate his way out of anything, man.
01:55And that kid is allowed to have mac and cheese every night.
01:57I don't know how that happened.