Plot synopsis: Pirelli, an ex-lawman, travels to Mexico searching for the heir to a Los Angeles fortune, while confronting his own complicated past. But what he finds in Baja challenges him to the core. Premiering at Frightfest August 23, 2024.
Directed by: Jeff Daniel Phillips
Release date: December 10, 2024 (US)(DVD/Blu-ray)
Plot synopsis: Pirelli, an ex-lawman, travels to Mexico searching for the heir to a Los Angeles fortune, while confronting his own complicated past. But what he finds in Baja challenges him to the core. Premiering at Frightfest August 23, 2024.
Directed by: Jeff Daniel Phillips
Release date: December 10, 2024 (US)(DVD/Blu-ray)
Short filmTranscript
00:00Mr. Pirelli, Thomas Duravage, I spoke on the phone, I'm happy you could come.
00:18I came here to stop the calls.
00:21Um, okay.
00:23Would you mind walking with me for a moment?
00:27I don't know what you're thinking by hounding me.
00:30Mr. Pirelli, you don't mind if I smoke, do you?
00:32They don't let me smoke in the house.
00:34This will give us good reason to talk out if we are shot.
00:41This way.
00:45The Kimpers, as you know, have had a torrid life.
00:48Your history with them in the past has given them great hope in the possibility of finding
00:52their lost grandson.
00:55This way.
00:57I don't think you need to go on.
01:00As I told you on the phone, I don't do this type of work anymore.
01:02Hear me out.
01:03I know you came here today to tell them in person, but I have some information to share
01:07with you that might alter your decision.
01:10Mr. Kimper is not doing well.
01:13Quite frankly, neither is his wife.
01:16His grandson is the sole benefactor of his fortune.
01:19I am in charge of his estate.
01:23Therefore, I must go through every procedure possible to find this missing young man.
01:30Puts me in an extremely difficult position.
01:34That's not my problem.
01:35The situation is a timely one, considering Mr. Kimper's health.
01:38His wife will be looked after, but some very important decisions will have to be made.
01:45Frankly, I'd like to complete the finalities and move on with my own life.
01:50Well, there's other bobsleigh hunters and detectives.
01:53We've tried.
01:54The last one took the partial payment and disappeared in a completely unprofessional
02:01Excuse me?
02:02He took the money, and he didn't return.
02:06They want closure, Mr. Pirelli, much like you gave them 16 years ago.
02:10Well, I have a job.
02:14They're willing to pay a very, very handsome price.
02:20This is the total amount.
02:24Half now, half when the young man is found, which fits us, of course.
02:29I assume you still possess your gift?
02:30I have a job.
02:31Your janitor job?
02:32What do you make a year, $40,000?
02:35$50,000, this would be five times that.
02:38You could erase your debt.
02:39You could give yourself a clean slate.
02:40The price reflects the amount needed for you to better yourself, Mr. Pirelli.
02:47I don't think you understand.
02:48This job owns Kelton.
02:52I'm just doing my job.
02:54Apparently, it's time for a face-to-face with Mr. Kelton.
02:57Where is Mr. Kelton?
02:58He's inside.
02:59You will be paid for today's visit, Mr. Pirelli.
03:02Mr. Pirelli?
03:03Mr. Pirelli?
03:09I need to show you in.
03:12Keep level-headed, sir.
03:14Mr. Pirelli, I will make the introduction.
03:19Everything's fine.
03:24You do not understand these people.
03:26They are relentless.
03:27Let me take one more drag here, please.
03:32One more thing.
03:34You're going to need to take your shoes off.