هل كل طفل شقي عنده فرط حركة؟
"هل كل طفل شقي ممكن يكون عنده فرط حركة؟ 🤔 فرق بسيط لكن معاني كبيرة ممكن تغير حياتك وحياة ابنك! 👶🧠 اكتشف الحقيقة اللي ممكن تكون مش واخد بالك منها في تصرفات طفلك اليومية. شقاوة عادية ولا حاجة محتاجة تدخل؟ 🎥"
المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓
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"هل كل طفل شقي ممكن يكون عنده فرط حركة؟ 🤔 فرق بسيط لكن معاني كبيرة ممكن تغير حياتك وحياة ابنك! 👶🧠 اكتشف الحقيقة اللي ممكن تكون مش واخد بالك منها في تصرفات طفلك اليومية. شقاوة عادية ولا حاجة محتاجة تدخل؟ 🎥"
المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓
Official website :https://www.elconsolto.com
Official Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/ElConsolto
Official Twitter :https://twitter.com/elconsolto
Official instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ElConsolto
00:00What is the difference between a child having motion sickness and a child being autistic?
00:05This question creates a lot of problems between the father and the mother.
00:09From my observation, in the clinic, we always find that the mother sees that the child has motion sickness or something more than normal,
00:17and the father sees that he is autistic.
00:19There is even a word that is repeated by the parents,
00:22I was like this when I was young, they were saying something about me.
00:25We need to know what is the difference between autism and normal, and that this child has motion sickness.
00:35The first thing, the child who has motion sickness, his movement has no goal.
00:41The autistic child moves a lot and moves a lot, but you feel that in the end he is playing, he is doing something.
00:48For example, the child who has motion sickness, if he is sitting in a family gathering, you will find him going,
00:54you will find a worker, for example, if there is a ladder, a worker goes up and down the ladder,
00:57a worker opens the doors and opens the stairs and does not look for something specific and does not play with something specific.
01:02But he moves like this in all directions.
01:05The autistic child, you will find that he moves, but he does something specific and wants to reach a specific goal.
01:12The second thing that we can differentiate between normal and autism,
01:15and that the child has motion sickness, is that there is a genetic factor in the family.
01:19That is, if there is someone in the family who has motion sickness,
01:22most of the time what the child has is also a type of motion sickness.
01:27This is something that we can also support with our diagnosis.
01:30Motion sickness does not only appear in the form of autism,
01:34maybe because its name is ADHD,
01:41but there is something very important in this diagnosis, which is defense.
01:45That the child is acting without thinking.
01:49The autistic child may be acting without thinking, but we feel that he is thinking.
01:54The second one who has motion sickness, we may find that he is acting,
01:59but we feel that he is acting without thinking.
02:02The second one who has motion sickness, we may find that he is acting,
02:05but we feel that he is acting without thinking.
02:08The second one who has motion sickness, we may find that he is acting,
02:11but we feel that he is acting without thinking.
02:14The second one who has motion sickness, we may find that he is acting,
02:17but we feel that he is acting without thinking.
02:20The second one who has motion sickness, we may find that he is acting,
02:23but we feel that he is acting without thinking.
02:27The child who has motion sickness, when he comes to study,
02:30we find that he is trying hard to act, but he is not able to,
02:36because his brain is saturated with everything around him.
02:39When the mother comes to study with him, she asks him something,
02:42so he will ask her something else, because his memories are saturated.
02:47But the second child, if we are going to study or do something to calm him down,
02:51he will find that he responds to us, but if he is going to play, he will not play.
02:55This is another thing that we can differentiate.
02:58There are many things that we can differentiate, but these are the most important.