Kementerian Ekonomi Kreatif yang terus mendorong film-film besutan karya anak bangsa mampu bersinar di kancah Internasional. Salah satunya dengan mendukung Film Women From Rote Island yang terpilih mewakili Indonesia dalam nominasi penganugerahan Piala Oscar 2025.
00:05Let's move on to other information, Wiki.
00:07And also, Mr. Mirsa, there is the Ministry of Economic and Creative Affairs...
00:10...that continues to promote films that are made by Indonesian children...
00:13...that are able to shine internationally.
00:15Yes, one of them is with the support of the film...
00:17...Women from Rote Island...
00:19...which was chosen to represent Indonesia... the nomination of the Oscar winner... 2025.
00:24Kemencraft, together with the cabinet ministers...
00:27...and the White House...
00:28...watched the film, Women from Rote Island... one of the most famous cinemas in Jakarta.
00:34This activity is a form of appreciation of the central government... supporting the film... go further in the nomination of the Academy Awards... the 97th Oscar, 2025...
00:45...with the category Best International Feature Film.
00:48The film directed by Jeremias Nyangun...
00:51...which raised the issue of sexual violence on Rote Island...
00:54...until now has won a total of 40 awards...
00:57...for the film.
00:59It is hoped that the film will inspire...
01:02...the local filmmakers in Rote Island... their work to make the nation proud.
01:08The Ministry of Tourism and others...
01:11...will also fully support.
01:13Of course, we can't see...
01:16...part of it in the past, but the ecosystem... the quality of our filmmakers...
01:23...and also support for their education... production and marketing.
01:30So, this is an ecosystem that...
01:33...needs our attention and support.
01:36And we have great potential...
01:38...not only for the national market...
01:40...but also for the global market.
01:43Actually, there is still a chance...
01:45...depending on the campaign... we campaign... the world.
01:50The first support is...
01:52...both moral and material, of course.
01:55Because the promotion fee in the Oscars... very expensive.
01:59The simplest, we have to set up a billboard.
02:02Then, we have to use international publishers.
02:05Then, we can do...
02:07...screening and...
02:09...because there are rules in the Oscars...
02:11...for what kind of promotion.
02:13So, the first thing that can be done is...
02:15...the whole BRI world...
02:17...promote the campaign... raise the news in the world.
02:23We support.
02:25I hope there is a fresh wind from the Oscars...
02:28...remembering that it has won 40 awards...
02:30...from domestic and foreign countries.
02:32Okay. I'm optimistic.
02:34But hopefully, my optimism...
02:36...will bear fruit.
02:37There is also support from the community...
02:39...and the government will bear fruit in the Oscars.