Actor Rajkummar Rao recently attended the 24th ITA Awards, looking super cool in a stunning blue striped suit. His unique style, perfectly styled hair, and stylish chain made him stand out. He also shared his experiences at the awards and talked about his recent movies, showcasing his charm and charisma.
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#RajkummarRao #ITAaward #Trending #2024 #BollywoodCountry #BollywoodNews #BollywoodGossips #BollywoodUpdates #BollywoodNews #Bollywood #Bollywoodcelebrity #BollywoodHindiNews #ians
00:00Actor Rajkumar Rao recently graced the 24th ITAY Awards, also known as the Indian Television
00:07Awards, where he looked exceptionally cool and amazing.
00:11He wore a stunning blue-stripped suit that perfectly complemented his style, showcasing
00:16a unique and different approach to the red carpet fashion.
00:19His hair was flawlessly styled, adding to his polished appearance, where he accessorised
00:24with a fashionable chain that enhanced his overall look.
00:28During the awards ceremony, he shared insight about his experience at the ITAY Awards and
00:34discussed his recent movies, reflecting on his journey in the industry and the significance
00:39of such awards.
00:40His charisma and charm made a lasting impression on everyone present there.
00:46On the work front, Rajkumar Rao made his acting debut in Dibakar Banerjee's film in 2010.
00:52And in there are films like Guns and Gulabs, Queen, City Light, Istri, Kai Poche and many
00:59others that are the box office success.
01:05His film Istri 2 was recently released in theatres and was a commercial success.