• last year
Former Professional Chef and Top Chef Contestant Roscoe Hall works his culinary skills to transform a 2.4-star, one-pan TikTok recipe and turn it into a 5-star Macaroni and Cheese.

Original 2-Star Recipe: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/283949/one-pan-oven-mac-and-cheese/
00:00Ooh, Nelly Belly.
00:02Hey, y'all, what's happening, man?
00:04This is Roscoe. I came back for you.
00:06This episode of Recipe Redemption,
00:07we're taking this 2.5-star mac and cheese
00:10to this 5-star mac and cheese.
00:12This is a TikTok recipe that Annie developed for the site.
00:15I'm gonna see what she has to say,
00:16and we're gonna have a good time.
00:17Let's redeem it.
00:21Today, we're doing one-pan oven mac and cheese.
00:25Let's look at some reviews here on the Allrecipes site.
00:28Here we go. Noodles didn't cook all the way.
00:30Oily and grainy consistency.
00:33Not worth the time of money.
00:34It's not bad.
00:36I'd suggest adding more liquid,
00:37and a bit of cream cheese adds good flavor.
00:40Tasty but very grainy.
00:41That's two for grainy, right?
00:42I've never just thrown things in a pan and just baked it all.
00:46I'm used to making my own sauce and parboiling my noodles
00:50and doing all this stuff together.
00:51TikTok kind of broke all those rules
00:53during the old panty, the old pandemic,
00:55and everyone was just like...
00:58And it moved all fast, and it was all...
01:00It's still love for food. I get that.
01:02It's just a lot faster.
01:04I guess I'm from the slow food movement or something.
01:07Let's go to the fridge.
01:09First, we're gonna cut these cheese blocks in half.
01:12Put them in the center.
01:13A little ebony and ivory.
01:15Two cups of mac.
01:17Yeah, get them off the top.
01:18Oh, because that's gonna affect it.
01:21All right, next up, it's half and half.
01:23We got 1 1⁄2 cups of this bad boy.
01:26Let me do some salt and pepper real fast.
01:28Well, Spranky, Spranky.
01:31Then we're hitting up a quarter cup of matz.
01:36What do you think of these cheeses, Roscoe?
01:38I'm cool with fontina.
01:39I'm cool with sharp cheddar.
01:40Mozzarella has no place,
01:42because matz is not a creamy cheese.
01:43Just go straight in the oven.
01:4525 minutes.
01:53Mac's in the oven.
01:54Let's go get a snack.
01:57They have eggs here?
01:58Oh, fridge.
02:00Chocolate croissant?
02:06What do we got in here?
02:07I don't know what to think.
02:08Half a cup of milk.
02:10This should loosen it up.
02:11Yeah, this looks like a TikTok video.
02:13Oh, okay.
02:15I get it.
02:16The liquid got a bunch of starch at the bottom,
02:19which explains all that foaming on the side.
02:21Back in for another 25 minutes.
02:27See how smooth that was?
02:28However do you want it?
02:31However do you need it?
02:33All right.
02:33We got good color, good browning,
02:35which I love in a mac and cheese.
02:37Going in.
02:38You know how when you cook with egg,
02:40it has like that weird texture in it?
02:42It kind of looks like that.
02:43I'm going to give it a try.
02:45I'll tell you what I really think.
02:49All right.
02:50No creaminess.
02:51The main thing that's off about this
02:53is the cook of the noodle.
02:54It just feels way too al dente.
02:57At one point in my career,
02:58all I did was cook mac and cheese,
02:59and especially being a pasta person,
03:00I would say this is a two,
03:01just because there's no signature to it.
03:03There's nothing to come back for.
03:04Y'all should try it, though.
03:06Not all mac and cheese is good mac and cheese.
03:08Like, a lot of it's horrible.
03:10I see the vision, but was it executed?
03:14Not really.
03:16She said, not really.
03:18That's the sound of a dry noodle in the throat.
03:21Not really.
03:23We're going to redeem this.
03:25It's a two-star recipe to a five-star recipe.
03:30So we're shredding the cheese to start,
03:32because it kind of puts more love into it.
03:35You got about three cups of yellow sharp cheddar.
03:37Here's the deal with all these fancy macs.
03:41They are here using penne pasta,
03:43calling it a mac and cheese.
03:45We all know that's a pasta bake.
03:47What's the best mac and cheese you've ever had, Roscoe?
03:51I've had some close ones,
03:52and they've all been, like, random spots,
03:54like barbecue restaurants,
03:55some gas stations in, like, Mississippi, which is weird.
03:59One cup fontina.
04:00Fontina has this amazing creaminess to it.
04:05What are you grating now?
04:05White cheddar.
04:06It's got that good bite to it
04:07that makes you know it's cheese,
04:09because sharp cheddar's kind of smooth
04:10once you bake it off.
04:11Let me know if you use egg in your mac and cheese.
04:14I feel like that's, like, a soul food thing.
04:16Somebody please let me know that in the comments.
04:18I'm not into it.
04:19I don't understand it.
04:20I like carbonara, but not in my mac and cheese.
04:23We'll go ahead and add the nudes.
04:27Not penne.
04:27Two big old cuppies.
04:29We're gonna add some butter to coat our noodles,
04:32because the noodles need some love
04:33so they can, like, be ready to, like...
04:36They won't build, like, a shell of, like,
04:38no, I will not give in to the heat.
04:41This is really good-looking butter.
04:42You see how yellow it is?
04:44I like a lot of seasoning in my mac and cheese.
04:46It's, like, a traditional thing.
04:47These two things right here,
04:48that's what's gonna bump it up to a six star.
04:51Smoked paprika in Coleman's, like, mustard powder.
04:54It gives a little tang that matches with the sharp cheddar.
04:58Let's add some salt.
05:00Pinch of pepi.
05:02I do think a longer pan,
05:04the milk has more to lay around,
05:06so it won't crisp with the edges that much.
05:08All right, next.
05:09Oh, we're gonna go all the way milk,
05:11like, no half and half.
05:12Three and a half.
05:13We'll dump all of our cheeses.
05:14Just spread everything around.
05:15I think it'll help disperse the creaminess
05:17of all the cheese.
05:18It's still a one pan, like the other recipe.
05:21It's just a little bit more love.
05:23Ideally, covering it up will help the noodles
05:25cook evenly into a perfect, like, plump,
05:28and get all that cheese into those holes.
05:29You know, aluminum foil, how many people love it?
05:32People out there, leave in the comments
05:34tell me how you love aluminum foil.
05:35All right, 20 minutes.
05:39See how good, I've gotten that down.
05:42Let's check it out.
05:44It's been 20 minutes.
05:45It looks like a cheese sauce, right?
05:47That's a good thing.
05:49Let's check these nudes.
05:50That cheese sauce is actually coming through the noodle.
05:52Listen, disclaimer, not a big TikTok cooker.
05:56Sure you could have guessed by the outfit.
05:58It's a lot of reasons why I don't work on TikTok.
06:01I was told I don't dance enough.
06:03How often do you dance when you play with mac and cheese?
06:07See how awkward that is?
06:08You can also put, like, breadcrumbs,
06:11toss them like butter or herbs on top right now.
06:15Make a crispy, like, crunchy layer.
06:17You can party like that if you want.
06:19We're going back in.
06:21See you in 20.
06:24We're back, guys.
06:25Welcome to Mac and Cheese Kitchen.
06:28I think I did it.
06:31Bubbly, greasy, the way you want it.
06:34It's gonna hurt that tummy.
06:35Ooh, Nelly Belly.
06:38Nelly Belly.
06:39This one's definitely gonna be creamier.
06:42What's good about this is the noodle is cooked perfectly,
06:47like, chewy, not overcooked, not too crunchy.
06:49You can smell all the spices.
06:51As it sits, it's turned into, like,
06:53what you expect from a mac and cheese.
06:55Goopy, floppy, homey.
06:58Yeah, floppy in the sense where I could drop it in here,
07:03In my hood, we say floppy.
07:05Ain't no plop over here.
07:06I'm excited about this.
07:07You see the longer it sits, how creamy it's getting?
07:10You guys are like, yeah, whatever.
07:11Just finish it.
07:20You can't be mad at me.
07:21I'll be even happier when I do this.
07:24One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
07:25nine, 10, 11, 12.
07:32Come on!
07:36That is a five-star mac.
07:38And all you mac and cheese aficionados, don't come at me.
07:41I don't normally make mac and cheese like this.
07:42Don't be like, oh, that's not real mac and cheese.
07:44Like, yeah, I know.
07:45We're just having some fun,
07:46working with the community here.
07:48As you can see, I'm like happy about it.
07:49This is the scary part.
07:52We're going to have a Zoom with Annie,
07:53who has the original.
07:55Isn't that the Annie?
07:57The Annie.
07:58She's the one.
07:59She made my version.
08:01I made her version and my version.
08:03Let's see what happens.
08:04Hey, Annie!
08:05Roscoe, this looks so good.
08:07Are you kidding me?
08:08Stop it.
08:13So cheesy.
08:14It's really flavorful.
08:15Yeah, with the mustard, I like, too.
08:17All I did to your recipe was just add butter to the noodles,
08:21salt and pepper, smoked paprika, and that yellow mustard.
08:25And then I put the last amount of cheese at the bottom.
08:27The butter was a great call.
08:28I don't know why I didn't start with any butter
08:30at all in my recipe.
08:31Yeah, with this recipe,
08:31we were just trying out a new variation
08:33of the baked feta pasta,
08:35which was just exploding at the time.
08:37It was such a big trend.
08:38Trying to figure out how to do it with mac and cheese.
08:41It was definitely a need of redemption.
08:42So I'm really glad that you came in
08:44and gave it the redemption it needed.
08:46I'm putting hot sauce on my mac and cheese always.
08:48It's the life I lead.
08:51Cheers, hot sauces through the camera.
08:52Sawed it.
08:54Redeem it.
08:57That was really, really good.
08:59That's how we roll.
09:00I think that needs to go in the recipe, actually.
09:02Oh, you hear that, guys?
09:04Six stars.
09:06Optional, but not optional.
09:07Yes, agreed.
09:08So you should write it.
09:12This is probably the funniest you've been all day.
09:15Oh, oh, s***.
09:18Redeem it.
09:20Spoons, spoons, hot sauce.
09:24You guys want to try some of that?
09:26Just scoop right in?
09:27Don't be scared.
09:28You're on camera, so if you get kind of messy.
09:30Oh, nice.
09:32That wrist action over here.
09:34You see that?
09:35Hey, girl.
09:37Can I go for it?
09:38Yeah, you can go for it.
09:39Roscoe, you've done it again.
09:45It worked.
09:46From here to Austin, Texas.
09:48Thank you, Annie.
09:49You're good people.
09:50Everyone loves it.
09:52Hot sauce helped.
09:53That's that six star vibe.
09:55Give it a try.
09:56Let me know what you think in the comments.
10:00Redeem it!
