Prepare to be captivated by Following Yonder Star, a heartwarming holiday romantic drama directed by Jeff Beesley. Set to premiere on Hallmark on December 15, 2025, this enchanting film beautifully blends love, laughter, and adventure. Starring the talented Brooke D'Orsay and John Brotherton, their chemistry lights up the screen in a story that promises to warm your heart and brighten your holiday season. Don’t miss this unforgettable premiere—mark your calendar for a truly magical viewing experience!
Following Yonder Star Cast:
Brooke D'Orsay, John Brotherton, Adam Hurtig, Jacob Blair, Isla Verot, Verity Marks, Amada Austin,Melissa Murray-Mutch, Dan De Jaeger and Lois Brothers
Stream Following Yonder Star December 15, 2025 on Hallmark!
Following Yonder Star Cast:
Brooke D'Orsay, John Brotherton, Adam Hurtig, Jacob Blair, Isla Verot, Verity Marks, Amada Austin,Melissa Murray-Mutch, Dan De Jaeger and Lois Brothers
Stream Following Yonder Star December 15, 2025 on Hallmark!
00:05And now, a sneak peek at following yonder star.
00:10What you reading?
00:11Oh, hi.
00:12Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:13Art of War.
00:15Heh, heh.
00:16Whoa, whoa.
00:17It's good to see you.
00:22What were you...
00:24You have plans tonight?
00:25Uh, well, I was sort of hoping to do something Christmassy.
00:30Have any ideas?
00:31Well, there's the lights down on Maple Street.
00:33They're beautiful.
00:34Um, you could check out the caroling next to the bakeries.
00:36Well, I was sort of hoping that maybe we could check out some of that beautiful Vermont nature
00:42you were telling me about.
00:43Or not.
00:45I mean, I have a thousand things to do.
00:46No, there's a thing.
00:47So I've got to wash my hair and everything.
00:48We could do.
00:51Um, you bundle up.
00:52I'll meet you back here in 20.