• last year
Karl Perry, from Wolverhampton, found his bird aviaries destroyed after a huge tree fell on them in the recent high winds.
00:00Okay Cole, otherwise known as the Aleman, we're at your home in Probert Road in Oxley in Wolverhampton.
00:07Just explain what happened and why we've got this huge tree lying on the ground in
00:12the back of your home. Well about quarter past five on Saturday night I had a knock on the front door
00:19I was busy in the front bedroom and everything and it was a guy telling me that a tree had come
00:25down into my back garden one of the big fir trees and I went to the back room had a look
00:33and I just found a 50 foot fir tree lying straight across my aviaries.
00:39So it's damaged you know quite a lot of the aviaries hasn't it? Yeah it was a good 50 foot fir
00:46tree you can see by the debris and that that I'm left it's damaged at least six aviaries.
00:51And you know we had a tree surgeon down here on Sunday morning he came and gave up his time
00:58to help us and that was absolutely amazing and thank you to everybody who's been down to help
01:05us cut the tree down but now I'm left with all this debris and I've got to repair all the aviaries.
01:11Now you say luckily all the birds survived. All the birds have survived. But where are they you
01:16know what are you going to do where are they staying there? Well at the moment that in travel
01:19box is in the in the van and they can't stay in there forever so it's been three or four nights
01:26now already yeah I've just got to get these aviaries built as quick as I can. Obviously
01:31they'll escape won't they if you put them back in there? I can't put I can't risk putting them in
01:35there and you know if I put them back in there I'm going to look at more damage or if if another
01:42tree comes down yeah I've got more damage and this you can see the sight of this aviary this
01:48is where this bird is on my hand now yeah this bird was actually in that aviary right and I'm
01:54surprised that they didn't escape and get out of there to be fair. Yeah sure. So I'm thank god
02:00and you know that we actually got them all out and they've all survived. So how long do you think
02:05it's going to take to rebuild all this? It's going to take me a couple of weeks to rebuild the
02:10aviaries at least yeah and then I can't even start building until I've got all this out the way
02:16yeah because I can't move I literally can't move now and it's just a clear up process. Yeah so are
02:24you kind of appealing for help as well see if anybody can help? Any help we can just to get
02:27this out the way and just clear it out the way as quick as we can as as fast I'm hoping to try and
02:34get the bulk of it done the weekend so if there is anybody that can lend a hand I'd really
02:39appreciate it.
