LOS FRIKIS Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Inspired by true events, Los Frikis follows the raw, unforgettable story of a group of punk rockers in 1990s Cuba (known as the "Frikis") who inject themselves with HIV to gain refuge in the sanatoriums run by the government. There, in a world meant for isolation, they carve out their own anarchic utopia—an oasis of rock 'n' roll, joy, and independence. Los Frikis is a powerful coming-of-age tale about the price of freedom and the lengths we go to find it. Los Frikis is written and directed by the two talented American filmmakers Tyler Nilson & Michael Schwartz.
Short filmTranscript
00:04Yeah, it's time to be done you include some I can cook over you can cook over
00:16What can go so they go in prison impossible to try to do this, you know, you're a lawyer
00:23Love that I am
00:26In Los Anatolios, they let us do what we want
00:31Learn that I'm not eternal
00:36Have you used drugs on women?
00:40Are you sexually active?
00:59Don't prefer
01:03It's a kid, you know, but that's what I think about
01:09No, sir, I
01:12Don't can be
01:14You know, what's up with us?
01:39Yes, either
01:51Well, you know the free
01:55Oh, yeah, I'm going down