Meet Amelia in this unsettling new The Outlast Trials cinematic trailer for the upcoming Project Breach update for the four-player survival horror game. The Project Breach update will add Amelia, an escaped test subject now turned against Murkoff, voiced by Caroline Dhavernas (Hannibal, Mary Kills People & Wonderfalls). The Project Breach update introduces Amelia's story, a new trial, a new map, a new member of the Ex-Pop, a new jammer Rig, and more.
00:09You said escape was impossible
00:15You said the only ways out for release or death, but somehow a
00:24Test subject got out of the trial environment
00:27That fact alone demonstrates how dangerous she is
00:32but what
00:34Concerns me is she hasn't tried to escape the facility
00:42Somewhere behind the walls in the ceiling
00:48Scurrying around like a rat building something
00:55Planning something
00:58Planning what is the question?
01:02God help us when we find out wait for my word be ready
01:08They're gonna pay for what they did to us