• last year
Squash & stretch is as old as animation itself and I'd like to talk about how you can use it to free your puppet animation from the rigid shackles of a bone structure (or at least make it look like it was freed).

00:00 - Start
02:17 - Squash to Create Anticipation
03:55 - Head Turns & Squashing (and other stuff)
06:48 - Squash & Stretch to emphasize speech
08:35 - Squash & Stretch for body turns
10:44 - When not to use squash & stretch
11:44 - Head turn using everything: squash & stretch, blink and head tilt
15:49 - Two ways to squash & stretch bones
18:07 - Squash & Stretch & Follow Through (on full body turn example)


About Shadywoods:
A slacker dad struggles to raise his activist young adult daughter in the magical mayhem of a bewitched forest.

Pixelblast is an independent studio founded by Kilian Muster.

Due to the pilot episode being produced mostly as a one-man operation, production pace is slow. Check out the “Sneaky Peak” production blog to see how the next episode is coming along

Connect with us online:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shadywoods
Twitter: https://twitter.com/entershadywoods
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/entershadywoods

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@pixelblast
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PIXELBLASTanim
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pixelblast

Series Creator Kilian Muster
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@KilianMuster
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kilianmuster
Instagram: https://instagram.com/kilianmuster
