• last week
00:00Players stand facing each other one metre apart.
00:05Instruct players that heads go to the left.
00:08Both front rows bind up, going through their process.
00:12On the call of Crouch, both front rows lower their upper bodies
00:16and heads should be slightly to the left and eyes looking forward.
00:21On the call of Bind, both front rows lean forward
00:25so that their temples are alongside each other.
00:28Props to reach and bind with the outside arm onto the opposing player's back
00:33whilst moving their feet back and dipping those knees.
00:37On the call of Set, players to engage their heads
00:41so that the base of either necks are touching.
00:44Look for flat backs and knees that are 90 degrees.
00:49Repeat this 10 times.