Eriksholm: The Stolen Dream ist mehr als nur Commandos in Dishonored-Optik. Der Gameplay-Trailer zeigt den Story-Fokus des Steampunk-Abenteuers . Vier Minuten lang seht ihr einen Mix aus schicken Zwischensequenzen und feinstem Stealth-Gameplay à la Shadow Tactics.
Das Video gab's auch bei der großen FYNG Show zu sehen. Find Your Next Game 2025 punktete mit zahlreichen Gameplay-Premieren und neuen Infos zu kommenden Videospielen. Wenn ihr mehr über Eriksholm erfahren wollt , solltet ihr die große Preview bei GameStar Plus lesen. Es lohnt sich!
Das Video gab's auch bei der großen FYNG Show zu sehen. Find Your Next Game 2025 punktete mit zahlreichen Gameplay-Premieren und neuen Infos zu kommenden Videospielen. Wenn ihr mehr über Eriksholm erfahren wollt , solltet ihr die große Preview bei GameStar Plus lesen. Es lohnt sich!
00:00In all my travels, of all the things I've seen, it's in Erik's home it will happen.
00:20This is where our world will change.
00:24And it all begins...
00:28...with her.
00:32What's the hold?
00:38Where's your brother?
00:40He's working.
00:42He's not in any trouble.
00:44We just wanna talk to him.
00:46Maybe you could help?
00:48You wouldn't mind coming down the station with us, would you?
00:52Alright, alright. I'll get my bag.
01:06She's gone!
01:08Find her! Before she leaves the building!
01:10I need to get out of here.
01:12And find her mum before they do.
01:18Rob the mayor? Murder someone?
01:20Both, maybe?
01:22This should get the crates moving again.
01:26Look for the main control, maybe?
01:28Do I look like an engineer?
01:34Is that you, Johnson?
01:40Come after her! Now!
01:42Come on, come on!
02:12Come on!
02:26Hey Gilbert!
02:28What's keeping you?
02:32He's not here.
02:34Pussies! I saw him go up there just a minute ago.
02:38The bridge is collapsed.
02:42Captain Lander?
02:44What about him?
02:46I heard him say he'd be watching the north exit.
02:48It's alright.
02:50I'm sure he brought friends, though.
02:52But so did you.
02:54She's brave.
02:56More than most I've ever met.
03:00But she doesn't know what she's set in motion.
03:02So, this is what Woody looks like.
03:24I've just got to find him before they do.
03:26I'll be right back.
03:28I've just got to find him before they do.
03:30I have no choice.
03:32I'm all he's got, Alva.
03:36I must find her.
03:38He's all I've got.
03:40Before he does.