• last year
Credit: SWNS / Michelle Washington

A grandmother who was single for 30 years has remarried at the age of 79 - just SIX WEEKS after meeting her new man.

Ernestine Murphy says she had been living a "cooped up mundane life" watching old cowboy films at home after losing her late husband of 20 years, Robert Lee, when he was just 39.

But two months ago, she revealed out of the blue to her granddaughter, Michelle, 30, that she had "met someone at church" - Moses Cusse, 79, a grandfather-of-two and carpenter.

Michelle was then shocked when Ernestine revealed the pair would be getting married on May 25 at Alpha and Omega church, Richmond, Virginia, US, in front of 55 guests – just six weeks after they met.
00:00As a representative of Jesus Christ, before Almighty God, in the name of the Father, His
00:21Son, Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Spirit of God, I now pronounce you one together.
