• letztes Jahr
Schatztaucher, die auf der Jagd nach einem versunkenen Schatz sind, werden zufällig Zeugen eines Kampfes zwischen Piraten und Drogendealern. Die Piraten können den Kampf für sich entscheiden, doch sowohl die Piraten, als auch das Taucher-Team sitzen in der Tinte, denn ein großer weißer Hai trachtet ihnen in Into the Deep allen nach dem Leben.


00:10Your mother tells me that you've been having some bad dreams
00:13Now face that fear in order to beat your fear don't have to do this
00:18What are you talking about anniversary your dad same stretch of water? I need to do this. Let's get this party started
00:26She is out on the ocean and about to do some diving check your gear
00:31Set the anchor
00:33This is gonna be good for her
00:36The ocean is a dangerous wonder
00:40You're a visitor here. You are a guest of their kingdom
00:46Be careful
01:03Y'all doing today
01:09It's like we got 80 kilos down there just waiting for us let's go get him
01:12We're gonna say anything which I could believe that chief. Oh, there's a shark out there, and it is hunting
01:17Who do you propose go down there instead of my guys? I've studied them my whole life. I'm the best chance that you got
01:23That's one brave girl you got there
01:39Dear I pray to you and they're gonna know it today
01:51Ocean is a dangerous wonder that kingdom is your kingdom, too
