Short filmTranscript
01:00© BF-WATCH TV 2021
01:30© BF-WATCH TV 2021
02:00© BF-WATCH TV 2021
02:30Get over there! Get over there!
02:32Now, back up.
02:34Back up!
02:43I wouldn't use that telephone.
02:46Drop that gun!
02:51My dear Moloch.
02:53You had better examine Mr. Coulter's head.
02:56It may need a new dressing.
03:00Dick Tracy.
03:01It seems your wish has come true.
03:04Dick Tracy is here to take Mr. Coulter's place.
03:07A marvelous opportunity.
03:09Take the great Dick Tracy to the operating room.
03:14© BF-WATCH TV 2021
03:19© BF-WATCH TV 2021
03:24© BF-WATCH TV 2021
03:28Hey, what's the big idea?
03:30Come on down out of that buggy.
03:32Mike looking back.
03:39Now you better start talking and talk fast.
03:41Where's Dick Tracy?
03:42Come on, where is he?
03:43We know Tracy was transferred from the ambulance to this car you're driving.
03:46Where'd you take him?
03:47I can't tell you.
03:48The spider will kill me if I talk.
03:49Yeah, you'll burn in the chair if you don't.
03:51All right.
03:52I hid him over there.
03:53That's the spider's headquarters.
03:59Mike, get the radio and tell Mr. Anderson we've located Dick Tracy.
04:01To get a flying squad out here right away.
04:03The spider may try to escape on his wing.
04:08Is everything going all right, Mr. Anderson?
04:10Gosh, the spider ring sure pulled a fast one on us, Miss Gwen.
04:13We don't even know where Mr. Tracy is.
04:15Hey, Mr. Anderson.
04:16Mr. Anderson.
04:17This is Mike McGurk reporting for Mr. Lockwood.
04:20Go ahead, Mike.
04:21Mr. Lockwood says to rush a flying squad to the old Sierra powerhouse.
04:24And the spider may try to escape in the wing.
04:26All right, Mike.
04:27They'll be there in no time.
04:32Get the ether ready and the cone.
04:36Would you increase the heat under that sterilizer, Gordon?
04:47Is that my brother, Gordon Tracy?
04:50The great Dick Tracy did not recognize his own brother.
04:55What have you done to change him so?
04:57It was really a simple little operation on the brain.
05:04And that's what you're planning to do to me?
05:06We planned it for Colton.
05:08Since you have taken his place.
05:11The ether.
05:24I see you have already administered the anesthetic, Moloch.
05:27Just enough to quiet him.
05:30He was strangely upset when I told him
05:33he was about to undergo the same operation I performed on his brother, Gordon.
05:37Then the great Dick Tracy has finally solved the mystery of his brother's disappearance.
05:42In a few minutes, his past will be blotted out.
05:46Just as Gordon's.
05:51Attention, flying squadron.
05:53Proceed immediately to the Sierra Pacific power plant.
06:29Loosen the strap.
06:31We shall have to change his position to operate.
06:38Lookout reports a squad of cars heading this way.
06:41They may be G-men.
06:43No, Dick Tracy's friends are looking for him already.
06:46I shall prepare a fitting welcome for all G-men.
07:17Now listen.
07:19An innocent, harmless sound.
07:21Yet, each tick heralds the coming of eternity.
07:25And now we must hurry to the powerhouse through the secret tunnel.
07:28We can escape in the wing before the G-men discover we are gone.
08:39This looks like Dick's handkerchief.
08:41Well, let me see inside.
08:42Come on, let's bust in.
09:09It's better this way.
09:11We can escape in the confusion.
09:14Back to the tunnel.
09:36Dick! Dick Tracy, where are you?
09:41Get out of here, quick. The house is mine. It'll blow up any minute.
09:43Where's the spider?
09:44Making for the powerhouse through the secret tunnel. I'm going after him.
09:46Clear out of here, quick.
09:47Don't do it. You'll get blown to pieces.
09:54Just a few seconds more.
09:57We just got out of there in time.
10:00Listen, the spider will think we've been killed by the explosion.
10:03We'll just hand him a little surprise.
10:06Remember, no shooting.
10:08Let it be heard by the others outside.
10:58Gordon! Gordon!
11:00Don't you know me?
11:02It's your brother, Dick.
11:20Who did it?
11:21Keep back. You haven't got me yet.
11:28Outside, Gordon.
11:30Gordon, think. Try to remember.
11:33My dear Tracy,
11:35I am overwhelmed that you have solved the mystery
11:38of your brother's strange disappearance.
11:41And now, don't move.
11:44Outside, Gordon.
11:46Gordon, think. Try to remember.
12:08There they go. The police car. Come on.
13:10We're getting them, Dick.
13:12Oh, boy, look at that car go.
13:14Faster, Gordon. Faster.
13:16They're coming after us.
13:21If he doesn't watch, he's going to wreck that car.
13:43Get up, Duke. Get up.
14:08Gee, Mr. Tracy, a car just crashed down through that fence
14:11and went down the cliff. Two people were in it.
14:13That was the spider, Junior.
14:14The spider?
14:15The spider?
14:16But he deliberately drove the car over the cliff
14:18to avoid hitting us.
14:19The spider wasn't driving the car.
14:21It was Gordon.
14:23Do you know who the spider is?
14:26Mr. Odette.
14:27Mr. Odette?
14:28I know it all the time.
14:29I had my handcuffs on him, but he wasn't left in that car.
14:36There's Odette.
14:39I'll take care of him, old man.
14:41You look after your brother.
14:48Gordon. Gordon.
14:55How come you're here?
14:57What's the big idea?
14:58Don't you remember, Gordon?
15:02I remember.
15:03I was in a car.
15:05Then something happened.
15:07It was Gwen and Junior.
15:08They were right in the path of your car.
15:15You drove your car over the cliff to save them.
15:17Don't you remember?
15:19It's all like a horrible nightmare, Dick.
15:22I can't seem to remember anything.
15:24Don't try.
15:25It's all over now, and everything's going to be all right.
15:31I think I'm going places.
15:42The Department of Justice appreciates your great work in wiping out the spider ring, Dick.
15:47When you show up at the office,
15:49you'll find that that appreciation can take a very concrete form.
15:53Thanks, Clive.
15:54But forget the fuss and feathers.
15:56All the part of a G-man's job.
15:57Maybe so.
15:59But you better show up at the office just the same.
16:02All right, Chief.
16:03If you say so, I'll be there.
16:05Goodbye, Dick.
16:08Oh, by the way, Steve.
16:10You better show up at the office, too.
16:12Right, sir.
16:14Oh, Dick, I'm so happy for you.
16:16This looks like another promotion.
16:18Where's Mike?
16:19We ought to let him in on this.
16:20Oh, he's in the laboratory trying some experiment.
16:27Mike, what happened?
16:32Oh, I was just experimenting with my new smoke screen.
16:36I got it all right.
16:37I'll say you did.
16:38All over you.
16:42Oh, heck.
16:57Come on.
17:13None of you move.
17:14Macklin, I want to talk to you.
17:20Come on, sit down.
17:21Keep your guns in your holster.
17:27Come on.
17:57THE END