• last year
00:00What a perfect scenario to say, we're back!
00:05Isabela was a very sweet girl until the date of her marriage.
00:11One day after she went crazy.
00:14She won't have any other option but to deal with me.
00:18There was some ugly fight between the two of them and they stopped talking to each other forever.
00:22That's my biggest fear.
00:25No, but it's annoying.
00:27I get to her house and I say,
00:28God, what happened here?
00:31I have a little conflict with my mother-in-law, who is an angel in my life.
00:37I'm excited, man. I can't wait for the two of them to live together.
00:44When I'm with my son, I don't like it when anyone gets in the way.
00:49It's complicated.
00:50Who thinks it's bad to think that the son is mine?
00:53My biggest fear is losing my family.
00:56He doesn't do anything, doesn't buy anything, doesn't pay anything.
01:00When I'm invading her privacy, we have these conflicts.
01:04My biggest fear is that my mother and Henrique don't get along and that we leave here with more trouble.
01:09I wanted, if I could, to kill the two of them.
01:12They turned me into a bomb.
01:15That he had done vasectomy.
01:18Me and Matheus decided very early that we didn't want to have children.
01:22It's time for her to understand and respect the decision we made.
01:26He talks a lot and doesn't do everything he says, you know?
01:30That's what annoys me too.
01:32I'm angry with my mother-in-law because I want to win the 500,000 reais.
01:35My biggest fear in here is that my mother and Miguel don't get along
01:39and don't find a way back to peace, you know?
01:43There will be chaos, for sure.
01:45But at least it's with a view.
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