Aired (December 13, 2024): Tokoy, a sickly Aspin rescued in Baybay City, now lives in La Rioja, Spain with his furmom, Elizabeth Carpentero, who will discuss the process of acquiring travel documents for pets.
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Join Kapuso Primetime King Dingdong Dantes as he showcases the deadliest weather on planet Earth in GMA's newest infotainment program, 'Amazing Earth.' Catch the episodes every Friday at 9:35 PM on GMA Network. #AmazingEarthGMA #AmazingEarthYear6
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Join Kapuso Primetime King Dingdong Dantes as he showcases the deadliest weather on planet Earth in GMA's newest infotainment program, 'Amazing Earth.' Catch the episodes every Friday at 9:35 PM on GMA Network. #AmazingEarthGMA #AmazingEarthYear6
00:00Who would have thought that a sick dog that was wandering the streets
00:04is now living peacefully in Europe.
00:07You will be very happy with Tokoy's journey,
00:11The Filipino Dog.
00:17In 2019, Elizabeth Carpentero caught a wandering dog
00:23in Baibay City, Leyte.
00:27The dog was almost dead when she rescued it.
00:30Two weeks later, the dog had a new owner.
00:36Tokoy was Elizabeth's first pet.
00:39Tokoy has been my companion.
00:42He makes me happy.
00:45Tokoy made me feel
00:47that we do really have a special connection with each other.
00:53But during the pandemic, Elizabeth was separated from Tokoy for more than a year.
00:57She was given a chance to do post-graduate studies in Spain.
01:01My fears when Tokoy and I were separated
01:04were that he might forget me.
01:07My mother and sister took care of Tokoy
01:11while I was still here in Europe.
01:14When Elizabeth returned to the Philippines in 2022,
01:17Tokoy became weak.
01:19He became a burden to his owner.
01:23Koy, Koy!
01:27But Tokoy's kindness didn't last long.
01:32When Elizabeth arrived in the Philippines with her Spanish boyfriend, Fran,
01:38Tokoy quickly got along with her.
01:41When they returned to Spain,
01:43they took Tokoy with them
01:45during the travels of the Filipino Aspen.
01:49Tokoy is now an Aspen resident in Spain.
01:52But did you know that for a person,
01:54he needs travel documents?
01:56And if for us,
01:58who are already challenging to get a visa in Europe,
02:01how can we fulfill that?
02:04Is there an interview?
02:06And how much budget do I need
02:08if I want to bring my son abroad?
02:14In La Rioja province in the north of Spain,
02:17Tokoy lives with Elizabeth and Fran.
02:19They swam on the beach
02:21and climbed a mountain.
02:23It took us four months
02:25to process Tokoy's papers
02:27before he could fly with us.
02:29Our expenses were around 100,000 pesos
02:33including our transport back and forth to the clinics.
02:39Even though the expenses were high,
02:41Elizabeth did not hesitate.
02:43By adapting and rescuing,
02:45we were able to save one animal.
02:49For sure, they will repay us with love.
02:56Tokoy's story is sure to be an inspiration
03:00and can change the lives of our animal friends.
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