• 2 months ago
00:00okay oh my gosh this is this is getting deep right now
00:04deep right now what is happening there's a fat layer there you have to cut
00:09through the tip oh it's tissue okay oh and a child's helping as well that's
00:13good to educate the kids I guess yeah for the educating yeah maybe oh I'm
00:19sorry ladies everywhere who had to do this well I'm so sensitive to such a
00:25thing yeah I see that it's a natural is just yeah I know but I said the cake to
00:36hurt it's good yeah I guess it's okay it's a little strange but it's good I
00:41think and that's how you do it all right the more you know I had no idea
00:48the more you know maybe it's something we don't need to know I think it's
00:53something we should know why not we need to know what what ladies are going
00:56through what if what if you're your missus has to go through that at some
00:59point but what if you know the person who want to be a doctor you know for
01:05growing up she's like oh no I don't be a doctor yeah so this is actually ruined
01:11the chances of doctors yeah happening good job five-minute crafts they could
01:15be traumatized I guess I don't know maybe it's the opposite maybe maybe
01:20wrong oh so they're cutting open is that like a tumor or what is this yeah I
01:29think it's like a tumor Wow Oh raise the organ okay don't do that to my organ
01:42stop squeezing my organ so much stop it or maybe that's your appendix okay heart
01:52lung machine look like a spider okay so we take the donor heart we put it on the
02:00table so they stitch together each how would they actually connect nerves and
02:09things like that and like ventricles and stuff you know how that process works
02:12I know nothing about it I know oh the heart is beating because this thing says
02:17so cool I'd be worried if that was beating yeah and now we put the chest
02:23back on shoulder arthroplasty something I think my grandma had this let's see if
02:30let's see how it actually how grandma did so that's like the the bone you
02:39remove the head of a bone ooh maybe I think yeah if it's like arthritis or
02:43something then it's the bones are crunching together and stuff and it
02:46can't move very well oh so you put some metal pieces yeah something between or
02:51like a new ball joint or something so that's you it can move more fluidly
02:56maybe prosthetic bone marrow canal okay okay this is interesting all right
03:07yep new joint yeah and so now they rub that yeah my grandma did have that okay
03:13now I know what she went through cool okay wow that's a lot to go through good
03:19educated thing without
