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THE RULE OF JENNY PEN Trailer - official movie trailer HD
00:00Not from around these parts, huh?
00:07I'm a judge in the city.
00:10What are you doing in a shithole like this?
00:12I'll be better soon, then I'm gone.
00:14We can both look forward to that day, then, can't we?
00:18In the meantime, why don't you try and make some friends?
00:21What are you eating?
00:24I don't know.
00:25Stay clear of that lot over there.
00:27Giving toys to play with like children.
00:29Some of them think they are, too.
00:42You're out causing mischief, are you?
00:43Cleaning the town, are you?
00:47What's his story?
00:48He was here when I got here.
00:50Who rules, Tony?
00:52Do you need a pen?
00:55It's share and share alike here, Judge.
00:57Communism always has the greatest attraction for those with the least.
01:03I'll see you tonight.
01:04I'd like to make an official complaint.
01:06He's the menace here. He's been at me from the jump.
01:10Sometimes people get confused.
01:11I'm not confused.
01:14Have you been taking your medication?
01:21I feel sorry for you, Judge.
01:24You've got a raw deal.
01:26You'll get worse and worse till you can't speak.
01:30Or even lift a finger.
01:32That's if you can still think straight and know what kind of hell you're in.
01:45We don't stop playing because we get old.
01:48We get old because we stop playing.
01:51You think you've got everyone pegged.
01:58I'm really glad we were able to spend this time together.
02:03You need to check out now.
02:07You'll get what's coming to us at the end.
02:11The world breaks everyone.
02:13And afterward, many are strong at the broken places.
02:20Where there are no lions, hyenas rule.