Die drei Daylong-Brüder begeben sich in The Devil and the Daylong Brothers auf eine blutige, brutale und bizarre Rachemission gegen ihren eigenen Vater, weil der ihre Seelen an den Teufel verkauft hat, noch bevor die drei geboren waren.
00:00I got a fire burnin' low, yeah
00:05Don't, don't, don't kill me.
00:07We ain't m-m-m-murderers.
00:10Murderers kill cause they want to.
00:13Me and my brother are killers, cause we got to.
00:19We're the Daylong Brothers.
00:22We got three different mommas and the same daddy who sold our eternal souls to the devil before we was even born.
00:28And we're rainin' them down a holy tear to get them back.
00:32I know where your daddy is.
00:35I gotta be the one to take you to him, that's the deal.
00:40As far as I'm concerned, daddy's just another villain lined up at the gates of hell.
00:44He stole what's mine, and I'm stealin' it back.
00:49Ain't nobody down here but us down.
00:53Which way?
00:54Any way you like it, baby.
00:56Chuck her in the trunk.
00:59Ow! The upholstery!
01:01Let's talk this out, ain't no one gonna hurt you.
01:13I heard you was wheelin' dales for souls.
01:15I'm gonna strike up one of my own, a three for one.
01:18It pains me to say that these souls are worthless.
01:21Just ask their father.
01:25Maybe we get our souls back.
01:29But the devil gets the last laugh.
01:34Only one solitary damned soul left to slaughter.
01:38Dear old daddy.
01:43I know you's out there in the tall grass.
01:48Waitin' for me.
01:49Waitin' for me.
01:51But there ain't no take backs with the devil.
01:58I'm a free, wise, malingering man.
02:00Give me gifts as fine as 13.