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Pemerintah mengumumkan paket kebijakan ekonomi, terkait dengan rencana kenaikan pajak pertambahan nilai atau PPN 12% pada 1 Januari 2025. Terdapat sejumlah stimulus yang diberikan pemerintah untuk meringankan beban masyarakat saat kebijakan PPN 12% tersebut terlaksana.


00:00You are watching Breaking News with me, President Tjokowibo, where the government is now announcing
00:20an economic policy package related to the increase in the first tax of 12% today.
00:28The policy package has been prepared by the government, which is based on the fact that the LCEV program
00:36has been set in the Permit 36 of 2021, including the hybrid program, including the regulation
00:44on the value of the TKDN that must be the criteria of the participants in this program.
00:53It has also been reported that in 2024, there will be three companies that have made a commitment to
01:04build production facilities or factories in Indonesia for automotives, especially for EVs,
01:13namely BYD, Citroën, and ION.
01:19And for that reason, these three companies, these three brands, will enjoy a smooth incentive,
01:29as previously stated by Mr. Menko and Minister of Finance, to enter 0% and PPMDTP 15%.
01:37And if we look at it, the government's efforts also give a signal to investors that in fact,
01:46the regulations in Indonesia are quite competitive, including things related to incentives and stimulus.
01:54So, this is also in line with the government's efforts to make Indonesia a hub for the production of KBLBB in ASEAN.
02:07With the scheme of industrial capital financing, the goal is certainly to support the needs of financing
02:16in an effort to revitalize the engine, and this is very important because the engine is the key
02:22so that our production process is more efficient and also increase productivity
02:28and also credit investment. This is what the government has prepared to accommodate
02:34the needs of working capital credit with a 5% subsidy. That's all we can highlight.
02:40Mr. Menko, thank you.
02:42Thank you, Minister of Industry. Next, we will have Minister of Labor.
02:52Thank you, Mr. Menko. Distinguished Ministers, Ministers, and media friends.
03:01I would like to emphasize again and add a little bit about the economic policy package related to the labor force.
03:11So, there are three. The first, as mentioned by Mrs. Menko,
03:16the PPH Article 21 of the DTP for workers in the labor-intensive sector.
03:22That is, workers get incentives with salaries up to Rp10 million per month,
03:30especially for workers in the labor-intensive sector.
03:33The second, support for workers who experience labor-intensive conditions.
03:38We, workers who experience labor-intensive conditions, we will provide stimulus,
03:45be it material or non-material. The first is support for job loss insurance, or JKP,
03:54in the form of 60% flat interest for six months, training benefits of Rp2.4 million,
04:06and ease of access to job information. In addition, it is also easy to access pre-employment programs.
04:15With this, we hope that workers can increase their opportunities to work again
04:24by taking advantage of the JKP benefit claim. In addition, to maintain the purchasing power of workers
04:34in the labor-intensive sector. And the third is a relaxation or discount of 50% of the JKP benefit
04:43for the labor-intensive sector, with a total number of workers of around 3.76 million workers.
04:54And we want to make sure that this relaxation or discount will not affect
05:01the benefits provided by the BPJS to workers. That is an addition and a little pressure
05:10related to the labor-intensive sector. Thank you, Mr. Menko.
05:15Thank you, Mr. Minister of Labor. Next, we invite Minister of Home Affairs, Mr. Maman Abdulrahman.
05:23Thank you, Mr. Menko. I would like to add and complete what has been said by Mr. Menko and the
05:38Minister of Finance on incentives for MSMEs. First, alhamdulillah for MSMEs
05:51given an incentive for a lifetime of 0.5% of gross PPH with an additional time of one year.
06:02We would like to say that this one-year extension for MSMEs who have undergone
06:12this PPH incentive for more or less seven years based on PP number 55 in 2022.
06:24If there are MSMEs who have just undergone this incentive for more or less two years,
06:30they still have a time gap of more or less five years in the future.
06:35This means that the PPH 0.5% incentive will be valid for seven years.
06:42The question is, the incentive that is now given a one-year extension in the future is for MSMEs
06:49who have already obtained this incentive for seven years. So, it is still given a one-year extension
06:57for MSMEs who have just undergone this incentive for more or less two years,
07:11they still have a time gap of more or less five years.
07:17Why is it like that? Because the spirit that has been conveyed by the Minister of Finance
07:21is based on the principle of justice.
07:25And we from the Ministry of Finance also add the spirit of building.
07:31Because we hope that with this incentive, all of our brothers and sisters,
07:35MSMEs will be given incentives for seven years with the hope that in the future,
07:41after seven years, they will be able to rise in class and grow to be independent.
07:47That is the first.
07:49Then the second is for MSMEs whose income is below Rp500 million,
07:57totally not getting PPH 0.5% or being exempted.
08:05And the second, I would like to say, from the PPN incentive package that is exempted,
08:11approximately Rp265.6 trillion, we see that the food product PPN package also has a positive impact
08:23on MSMEs. Because the PPN that is exempted from food products such as rice, corn,
08:31wheat, sugar, fresh milk, nuts, and also in the fisheries sector,
08:37it also benefits MSMEs who are moving in the trading sector of those food products.
08:48Then regarding the PPN that is exempted in the transportation sector,
08:52it also benefits MSMEs who are moving in the health education sector and the finance sector.
09:03It means that almost approximately the Rp265 trillion incentive package
09:09that was delivered by the Minister of Finance earlier,
09:13approximately almost 95% of the incentive is enjoyed by MSMEs all over Indonesia.
09:23Therefore, based on this policy, we believe, God willing,
09:28this additional PPN policy of 1% is enough to secure the middle and lower economic sectors.
09:37I think that is an addition from us to the Minister of Finance.
09:42Thank you very much, Ms. Menkyu and Mr. Menko, for the policy of consolidating the coordination
09:53of this economic policy package in order to promote the improvement of the welfare
09:58and strengthening of the country's economy. Thank you.
10:23First, I would like to thank you, because in our sector, the government has been consistent
10:31in supporting the housing program since 2010. Thank you, Ms. Menkyu.
10:39And for MSMEs, low-income people, through housing financing liquidity facilities
10:48from 2010 until now, and the subsidy for basic necessities from 2015 and consistently
10:57provided until now. It is very beneficial for low-income people.
11:03And in the past five years, the target has been achieved to provide 942,630 units of housing.
11:17Indeed, this year, Ms. Menkyu and Mr. Menko, the target is quite high,
11:233 million units. Please support us for the future.
11:28Then, next year, the government has also allocated for FLPP. This is a very good program
11:36because it is very popular with the people and also the developers and also the level of NPL
11:47is very low. So, this is a very good program. I will continue it.
11:51Hopefully, in the future, we can also improve it. Because if there is a good program,
11:57we will improve it again. Then, we also see that from what was said earlier,
12:10how to give incentives is clearly in line with the interests of low-income people.
12:19Because of the fact that 2 billion Rupiah has been given for free, it is very helpful.
12:26And also for up to 5 billion Rupiah, it will also be given in stages that have been arranged by the
12:35Minister of Finance. Then, we also report that until today, we, in these two months,
12:47thanks to the support of the President, Ms. Menko, and the Minister of Finance, we have built
12:56and handed over to the people around 30,000 units of houses per day.
13:04And that is the majority of the BTN KPR that is supported by the support of state policies.
13:15Then also, Mr. Menko, I reported about two weeks ago, we have issued an SKB for three
13:22months, which is to provide, as a government, we are trying to provide ease and cheapness,
13:29which is to provide free BPHTB to low-income people. And that is 5 percent, it is very
13:38beneficial for the people and also free BBG management. In the past, it was IMB, we can also
13:47provide free and the management period is also from 45 days to 10 days.
13:54And finally, I would like to thank the President, Mr. Menko, and the Minister of Finance,
14:00who actually this policy, we just want to fight for it, but it has been given by Mr. Menko.
14:06We would like to thank Mr. Menko and the Minister of Finance who really understand that the
14:13household is hundreds of industries that are affiliated, ced, wood, ceilings, and sand,
14:21cement, all of this will greatly move the economy and economic growth in the future.
14:28So, on behalf of the Minister of Household Affairs, we thank you very much for this policy.
15:06I would like to thank all of you. First, as stated, there is no increase,
15:11even the PPN recognition for strategic commodities such as corn, rice,
15:19chard, shallots, garlic, all kinds of chilies, eggs, chicken, ruminantia meat, and so on.
15:29So, there is no recognition. Because yesterday, Mr. Menko allowed someone to ask
15:33if there is a strategic commodity. So, there is none.
15:36Second, food assistance in January and February, this has also been ordered by
15:45Mr. President, yesterday, Mr. Menko's approval for food assistance, that the National Food Agency
15:53will assign BULOG to carry out rice food assistance for 16 million PPP or
16:02receive food assistance for 10 kilograms. That is all. Thank you, Mr. Menko.
16:08For two months, January and February, 2025.
16:14Thank you, Mr. President and Mr. Vice President. Next, Mr. Dirut, PLN. Please, Mr. Darmawan.
16:24First, we would like to thank the government in this matter, Mr. President, Mr. Menko.
16:33Thank you, Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, Mr. Vice President,
16:35Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
16:37First of all, we would like to thank the government in this matter, Mr. President,
16:42Mr. Menko, Mrs. Menkeu, and all Ministers here.
16:49First, we appreciate and appreciate that the National Food Agency was appointed
16:55to 400,000 PLN customers whose power is 6,000 watts or more.
17:08With a total number of household customers of 84 million, the free PPN from the electricity tariff is
17:1799.5 percent. Meanwhile, the PPN for electricity tariff is applied only to 0.5 percent of our household
17:29customers or the richest customers of the diesel in our customer structure.
17:36Second, we appreciate and appreciate the 50 percent discount of electricity tariff
17:44for 2,200 watts below. And this targets 81.4 million of our customers,
17:55consisting of 24.6 million 450-watt customers, 38 million 900-watt customers,
18:0714.1 million 1,300-watt customers, and 4.6 million 2,200-watt customers.
18:17This means that the total number of household customers is 84 million. This targets 97 percent
18:27discount of 50 percent of our household customers for January and February.
18:34Of course, this is a blessing because it reduces the burden of our brothers and sisters and also increases
18:40the purchasing power of the community. And for that, we, PLN, are ready to carry out the blessing of this Government.
18:49Of course, for our prepaid customers, we immediately automatically adjust
18:57the purchase of PULSA, which used to be Rp100,000, for example, for a certain household,
19:03later only Rp50,000 will be left, only half of it. Then, for the prepaid customers, we automatically adjust
19:12the electricity tariff for January and February. And of course, if there are any questions about this,
19:17we have prepared the WhatsApp number 08777 11 12 123. I repeat again, 08777 11 12 123.
19:35Once again, we thank you for your extraordinary appreciation. This is a blessing for PLN customers
19:42who get not only the free PPE for 99.5 percent of our customers,
19:51but also a 50 percent discount for 97 percent of our customers for January and February.
19:58I thank you.
20:13Distinguished Minister of Finance and Minister of Media,
20:17I would like to add that the 50 percent discount for 5 months, with the same benefits,
20:26so the discount is 50 percent, the benefits are still the same.
20:30This will be given or obtained for 3.76 million workers and 110,000 companies.
20:39For the Central Government, I would like to add a little that the benefit of cash is 60 percent flat for 6 months,
20:45where the benefit is 45 percent in the first 3 months, and 25 percent in the second 3 months.
20:51So now it's flat 60 percent.
20:53Training, from Rp1 million per person, now Rp2.4 million.
20:57And of course, with the Minister of Labor, we are also discussing some plans to facilitate,
21:03such as the expansion of JHT program requirements for small and micro-sized companies,
21:11such as JKK, JKM, and JHT.
21:13In the future, we are discussing with the Minister to remove JHT so that the expansion can be more,
21:19and also open up opportunities for non-ISNs to join JKP.
21:23Meanwhile, for facilitation, we are also discussing together to extend the time outside the claim,
21:29from 3 months to 6 months, and to provide continuous 6-months training.
21:35We will remove the continuous 6-months training, so that the expansion can be facilitated,
21:41and for the claim there is also facilitation.
21:43So, that's all from us at the Ministry of Labor for JKP, Job Security, and Job Security.
21:56On behalf of the Minister of Labor,
21:58Ladies and Gentlemen,
22:00Distinguished Media and Electronic Media,
22:02All policies will be followed by the Minister of Finance,
22:07then the Government Regulation,
22:09and also the Ministerial Regulation on Electricity,
22:15and the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing Regulation,
22:20and there is also an extension on taxes.
22:24Then, as mentioned earlier,
22:26the increase in state income in the tax sector is important
22:30to promote the ASTA-CITA program and the priority of the President,
22:34both for resilience in the field of food and energy conservation.
22:43In addition, it is also important for various infrastructure programs,
22:49education, health, social protection,
22:51and also programs related to food.
22:55Well, the taxation policy has also been stated,
22:59upholding the principle of justice,
23:01prosperity, and prosperity of the people.
23:03And once again, it is stated that this package is designed to protect the people,
23:09support entrepreneurs, especially SMEs and labor,
23:14maintain price stability,
23:16as well as the supply of raw materials,
23:19and ultimately for the well-being of the people.
23:22And this will be carried out on January 1, 2025.
23:26So, once again, this will be carried out on January 1, 2025.
23:31That concludes my remarks.
23:49Please have a seat.
24:03I have just watched the breaking news
24:05that has been reported by the government
24:07regarding the increase of PPN 12% in 2025,
24:10which is accompanied by a variety of policies
24:12from a number of ministries that have been conveyed directly.
24:15I am Prasetya Wibo.
